View Full Version : Another weird symptom I've been having

22-05-17, 16:05
Recently I'm experiencing all sorts of weird symptoms.
This one tops it if you ask me.

I'm feeling pressure on my eyebrows (not pain, just as if there's something touching it). First it was the left, now the right a bit too. If I look in the mirror they don't seem to have dropped, they seem to be in the normal position. Yet I constantly feel that pressure.

Anybody else with something simiar?

22-05-17, 18:00
I have this. If I press on my eye brows, I can find points that are sore. Trigger points. It's from muscle tension. I've had it for months. Maybe a year? I dunno. I just massage my eyebrow points when I can. I do yoga, so when I'm in class, I press my eyebrows against a yoga block in poses that I can. It helps.

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22-05-17, 18:07
Yes. It feels like someone is sitting in front of me literally pushing just above my eyebrows. I've put it down to anxiety. Muscle tension makes sense.

22-05-17, 18:13
Totally is. I've spent some time with Dr Google on this one. LOL . It sounds crazy, but another thing that actually works for me is to repeat in my head, "relax your eyes" over and over ... I have eye tension also, on the same one side.

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