View Full Version : Pelvic & lower back ache

22-05-17, 16:39
Hi all, for the last three days I've had tension & pain in the lower stomach/pelvis & lower back & sides. It started Friday evening very mild, then Saturday on & off, Sunday it lasted all day. By Sunday night the pain was a lot worse & I couldnt sleep because it hurt & I was thinking the worst like a dangerous kidney infection, or problem with ovaries or uterus. Felt a lot of movement there too like something big was just stuck & pressing on everything. I don't have a fever & (TMI) urine doesn't hurt or burn, I drink a lot of water so I tend to go a little more often than average. As far as bowels (TMI) I did have bouts diarrhea earlier last week & vomited once. This morning the pain is back to being pretty mild but still there & it annoys & worries me. Feeling pretty tired from lack sleep & overall stressed & run down. I'm trying to not run to the doctor for every twinge & have been doing pretty good with that. Anyone else experience problems like this?

22-05-17, 20:24
Definitely! I've gone to the urgent care clinic several times over lower back pain, thinking that it was a kidney infection.

I honestly think a lot of it has to do with posture, and the fact that I have a desk job. I also notice an increase in side/lower back pain sometimes when my period is about a week away. Tracking my periods faithfully has helped me to notice this pattern; it doesn't always happen every time, but when I DO have a certain kind of pain, it's always (roughly) a week before.

I really have underestimated how much anxiety influences your stomach until recently. I'm taking medication that makes me more nauseated than usual, so any amount of extreme anxiety is enough to make me vomit. Before, I would just feel overwhelmingly ill. Diarrhea is common for me if I'm obsessing over something for a long period of time (like you are right now) and my body doesn't get a break. Same with the nausea.

Hopefully you can talk yourself down off of this and get a little rest. I'm sure it would help a lot. Happy to hear that you're not running to the doctor-- that is SO hard to avoid. :D

Hi, thank you for your response. Yes I do have bad posture so that could also be it. Definitely trying to not run to the doctor, I've self diagnosed myself so many times before & nothing ever manifests. Considering I don't have a fever & urination isn't burning or cloudy I try to rationalize that a kidney infection is highly unlikely. I've had lower back pain before it's just the combination with stomach pain gets me anxious. But I'm inclined to think my bowels are likely irritated especially since they were giving me trouble last week. A little nauseous this morning but nothing bad. I'll be working tomorrow and Wednesday so hoping that distraction will help.