View Full Version : Made My Dermo Checkup Appt

22-05-17, 22:21
Hi all,

Haven't posted much because I've had my anxiety under control since my last total flare up last fall. I had an utter meltdown over a teeny little speck on my nose.

Anyway...I was supposed to have my 6 mo exam back at the end of January but they weren't with my insurance provider anymore due to them merging with another practice.

I was going to re-schedule but I put it off...and because I had gotten a puppy I was insanely distracted, and I all but forgot about my skin anxiety.

Now that I put off my appt so long I am suddenly in the throes of anxiety that because I put it off I will now have something horribly wrong.

I don't really have anything I'm worried about on my skin except for a TINY (less than 1mm) scab on my nose that's probably an acinic keratosis or at the VERY WORST a basal cell (I doubt this very much).

I have had one basal cell on my nose that was taken care of and is behind me, but it left me with a LOT of fear of going to the dermo and getting biopsies.

I keep an eye on my moles and nothing has jumped out at me. However I do have a lot of odd moles that are normal for me, and I always worry that I've missed something.

Anyway, took the first step today....just pulling up a site of new dermatologists and calling to make the appt was hard enough. But they can't see me for a whole MONTH and this is definitely going to make me worry.

Also worried that the new dermo is going to want to biopsy me just to biopsy me because she hasn't seen me before and all my moles are atypical (it's just how my body makes moles)

22-05-17, 22:27
Good for you for making the appt. For me at least that's half the battle. Try not to think about it between now and then .chances are it will be fine

22-05-17, 23:07
Good for you!

I too put off a skin exam by 6 months. THere did end up being a basal cell (that i had noticed and stupidly assumed was a skin tag). The whole experience has hurled me right back into the arms of HA, and I am now having skin freakouts daily (constantly finding new stuff). Really hoping this is not your emotional reaction to a skin check!'

If you are feeling confident, I am sure it will all be fine!!!