View Full Version : How do you live with the fact that you could be diagnosed one day?

23-05-17, 00:01
So I've overcome a lot of my health anxiety relating to the symptoms I had/have been experiencing.

But how can you deal with the future possibility of something happening? Honestly, I'm 19 and the thought of possibily having to sit at my Dr's office one day and be told I have the big C makes me feel very anxious. It's almost like living with a dark, grey cloud over my head.

When I'm sad that cloud truly envelops me.

How can someone get over that fear? It should really make me want to grab life to it's fullest, but instead it makes me feel like "whats the point" :weep:

23-05-17, 00:15
How do you feel about the fact you could die in an accident or intentionally at the hands of another? Does it bring the same feelings or do you just let the thought go?

23-05-17, 00:17
I don't have cancer but have a chronic illness (crohn's) and just had an open total proctocolectomy with end ileostomy and I just deal with it. We are stronger than we think we are. I was only diagnosed 2.5 years ago and I was terrified of this happening but when I got the news I just dealt with it.

23-05-17, 00:27
At the moment, not very well.

I have so many different things going on right now and part of my unfortunate, lovely thought process is imagining the moments of fear in getting the diagnosis. And all the waiting from the initial biopsy through all the staging. It's terrible but can't get the thoughts out of my mind. Very unhealthy. I am trying to chill by reminding myself its miy imagination, but it' hard.

23-05-17, 01:23
As a survivor of two hearts attacks and Stage IV cancer, I hope these words resonate.

One thing to know... IF one day that happens, you'll deal with it. What other choice do you have? It's not always pretty but that's just reality.

I learned quite a few things when I faced my demise. It's essentially what's in my signature. I also realized while I lived my life with reckless abandon at times and paid the consequences, I have no regrets. So you live every day knowing you're blessed to be here and in good health. You live each day being thankful for the little things and 2nd chances. You look forward, not back. You live always trying to think positive and try to spread that positivism. It's hard and at times the negativity will come in and take up residence but I assure you if you keep working at it, the positivism will always win.

"Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

Positive thoughts

23-05-17, 03:33
Amen Fishmanpa! I was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago at age 36. I can only echo what Fishmanpa said. Couldn't have said it better myself!

Catherine S
23-05-17, 08:26
Now in my 60s, i'm heading towards the time in my life when being diagnosed with something that could potentially see me off is odds on....or maybe not. Who knows? I don't, only the Mighty One knows and he laughs when I ask him. I'm talking about Obi Wan Kenobi here by the way :D

At your age you shouldn't be waiting to die, which is essentially what you're saying. I felt like you in my 20s when my heart started playing up so I know how it feels, but i'm now approaching my 64th birthday and nothing sinister has ever been diagnosed over those years in between. My old mum is 85 and apart from a bad back which makes her wobble a bit when she walks, she's had 85 years without a serious life threatening illness. So its not inevitable.

As the others said, if it happens we deal with it, but living your life in fear of it happening is no life at all.

ISB ☺ x

23-05-17, 11:51
Fishmanpa, are you ever worried that your past problems will recur? I had an adrenal tumour removed a few years ago that was benign and I have been told I have a small (1cm) benign tumour on my other adrenal gland that is currently stable. My old doctor said I needed a check up scan this year, but my new doctor said a check up scancoukd wait until next year..... my biggest fear and the cause and origin of my HA is the fear the tumour will grow and need to be operated on...how do you deal with the thought of recurrence?

23-05-17, 12:39
Fishmanpa, are you ever worried that your past problems will recur?

That's what I called "scanxiety" and no, at this point I don't worry about it. I have two more appointments and I will be deemed "cured". The first couple of years were a bit rough but I went to therapy for a bit and have a "chill pill" as needed. The heart stuff? I have some serious heart issues but hell, it is what it is.

Look... life is going to throw all sorts of shite at you at times. Again, that's just reality. You'll deal with it if and/or when it happens. In the mean time, living in fear of life is essentially dying above ground.

Positive thoughts

24-05-17, 16:24
That's what I called "scanxiety" and no, at this point I don't worry about it. I have two more appointments and I will be deemed "cured". The first couple of years were a bit rough but I went to therapy for a bit and have a "chill pill" as needed. The heart stuff? I have some serious heart issues but hell, it is what it is.

Look... life is going to throw all sorts of shite at you at times. Again, that's just reality. You'll deal with it if and/or when it happens. In the mean time, living in fear of life is essentially dying above ground.

Positive thoughts

That hit home with me, I've never heard something more truthful. It truly is dying above ground.