View Full Version : Returning hypochondriac, hard lymph node in front of my ear .

23-05-17, 01:20
Hey guys it's been a while. Very long while. Since I have been on this forum.

I improved with my health anxiety for a while. But it's returned guys. I have this hard lymph node in the paratoid (i think that's what it's called) region.
It's red. Like a pimple. Who knows it could be that? But nah I gotta jump to conclusions and think it's lymphoma.
But I am also more open minded on what it could be caused by. I have had bad luck with my teeth getting cracked and infected so it could be caused by that. As I still need to finish up 2 root canals.

I just fear it is malignant because it's a hardish area. Its red, and wasn't tender at first but since being the hypochondriac I am I have poked at it uncontrollably and was starting to hurt from that.

I'm gonna watch it. I am hopefully gonna have a freind of my moms who's a doctor look at it tomorow.

I'm just worried. Do any of you ever get these things in front of your ears? I want to say this has occurred before. But I'm not quite sure I also forgot to mention another potential lymph node I have on my armpit it's consitency is different than on my ear though. It's kinda more soft. Can't really feel it being hard. Hasn't changed really either

23-05-17, 15:46
Is it raised? It sounds a lot like a cystic pimple - they often start under the skin and (sometimes) will come up to the surface. They can be hard, and they can be painful too. Trust me - been there.

If you can get some topical medication with sulfer in it, it will do a decent job of bringing it down, if that's what it is.

24-05-17, 20:51
Yeah it could be that it's slightly raised I guess. Like it's hard to tell it feels under the skin mostly though.
.. but Like it still hasn't went down. I don't think it's gotten bigger either. So maybe that's good? And unfortunately I couldn't get it looked at though :(