View Full Version : Hugs and support to people in Manchester

23-05-17, 01:43
Hugs and support to the people of Manchester & everyone attending from anywhere tonight in the terrorist attack at a pop concert.

Condolences to the loved ones of the 19 deceased and best wishes to the 50 injured.

This was a pop concert with children! So many could have been injured or killed in fleeing in panic.

A terrible thing to happen.


23-05-17, 02:48
Terry my friend...my thoughts and prayers are with you and your fellow countrymen and women. May God help all the victims and their families. I'm incredibly sad and angry right now.


23-05-17, 04:48
It's not far up the motorway from me just as the past attack in London included Birmingham in their travel.

It's the anniversary of the death of fusilier Lee Rigby too. That shocked us all.

23-05-17, 05:16
Hugs to everyone from across the pond. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope no one has any family that was touched by this.

23-05-17, 08:46

Catherine S
23-05-17, 08:51
I've just read about it, terrible news. Have they stopped searching people going into these venues? RIP to those who lost their lives, so very sad.

ISB x x

23-05-17, 09:37
my home city. i am so sad this has happened. the arena is directly connected to manchester victoria train station where i would catch the train twice a day for 8 years until recently. i was only there at the weekend. just brings it home how non of us are safe?
so sad these poor children, excited about being at a concert, have had their lives cut short like this.
manchester is a very resilient city, as are the people. people are coming together to give blood, offer shelter, support etc.
i hope security is dramatically increased at concerts. i think the paris bombing was a warning sadly.

23-05-17, 11:02
Hugs to all involved. Now there are 22 confirmed dead and 50 something injured. It happened just outside the arena in a public space.

23-05-17, 11:33
It's yet another mindless attack on innocent people going about their own business I saw it unfold on the news last night, but it wasn't clear wether it was big balloon or a terrorist attack but had my suspicions even last night and now they are confirmed, sadly it happened in the foyer of the venue as the concert had finished. 22 dead 59 injured. Donald Trump made a speech this morning and said they want you to call these ppl Monsters but he said I cant they are losers sorry disagree they are monsters of the highest order and folks don't think these attacks are rare cause they aren't. every country that has had terrorist attack(s) must now unite with each other and fight these evil forces. Also I believe Social Media must now make a stand and close every single terrorist(s) account down we aren't talking about a few thousand accounts we are talking about 10's of thousands of these extremists accounts across FB/Twitter Freedom of speech must not be taken in to account on this and should be Zero Tolerance totally IMHO Awfull Cheers

23-05-17, 11:48
So sad,I keep asking "Why", This is dreadful my heart goes out too all the families.

23-05-17, 11:53
Sending hugs to all who need them. :hugs:

23-05-17, 12:09
Breaking news: A second male has been arrested in Manchester just now aged 23. Also the Arndale Shopping Centre has been closed but is now open again and the threat of a another attack remains 'severe' still stands

23-05-17, 12:09
I am shocked. Just put the internet on, and there it was. Right in front of me.
I missed TV news last night. So, so sorry for the deaths, and injured.
Manchester is a favourite place of mine. Where next ????

23-05-17, 13:06
I cried when I saw it this morning and still feel its so sad. Something like this is so very unexpected. And what was the motive? All I see is pure hatred for human life and no empathy. Why? It's just senseless.

23-05-17, 13:36
I've just come back to this and heard the update.

It makes it even worse that poor children have been killed. One was 8!

The BBC news have just reported of the 59 injured some are serious and even in intensive care. Some will need long term care, which sounds very bad.

They said some children were as young as 7 & 8. It's pretty obvious this was intended as the singer is known to attract a young audience.

Well done to the emergency services including St. John's Ambulance Service. And to the members of the public who tried to offer help whether to give blood and to help stranded people too (the cabbies, for instance).

I bet many people remember the Arndale Centre attack, Carrie.

Barry boy
23-05-17, 14:26
Heard the news this morning, absolutely shocking. Soulless evil monsters put on this earth to spread misery.
My heart goes out to the victims :( sad day for the UK.

23-05-17, 15:25
Heard the news this morning, absolutely shocking. Soulless evil monsters put on this earth to spread misery.
My heart goes out to the victims :( sad day for the UK.Yeah but what ever government gets in after the general election should now make tackling terrorism priority sure some attacks get stopped this is good but these attacks aren't a rare in todays society. What I would like to see all the training camps blown up. I mean lets be honest here the locations of these camps aren't top secret. Makes you wonder if every major town and cities in actually have terrorists and how many? We actually should have listened to Enoch Powel and his rivers of blood speech how true was his predictions. To me any convicted ppl in this should be deported immediately and have their rights taken away. Cheers

23-05-17, 17:11

Given the strong views about this, another thread about the politics might be best?This subject can bring differing views about responsibility & actions.

23-05-17, 17:17

Given the strong views about this, another thread about the politics might be best?This subject can bring differing views about responsibility & actions. Sure Terry, but may I say I think everybody wants these mindless attacks to stop! But it could be another good debate on a separate thread! Cheers

23-05-17, 17:30
We certainly do Dave. I'm just mindful of the last debate so it's nothing you have said here.

Buster raised a thread on GAD before me. I didn't check first before creating this one but I think this thread is more for lighting candles, Buster's was more discussion too.

23-05-17, 18:21
Those poor poor people. How can anyone be do damned evil?.

R.I.P To all killed. My thoughts are with them all and those who were injured.

23-05-17, 20:26
My thoughts, and the thoughts of all good people, are with the people of Manchester. An abhorrent act carried out by cowards.

23-05-17, 21:50
I am shocked. Just put the internet on, and there it was. Right in front of me.
I missed TV news last night. So, so sorry for the deaths, and injured.
Manchester is a favourite place of mine. Where next ????

The closest place I have been is Trafford Centre much better than the shopping centres in the home city where I am from. I have yet to visit Manchester but with the incident last night, does not stop me wanting to visit it.

24-05-17, 04:37
Utterly shameful to spam a thread like this! Reported.

24-05-17, 10:38
Dreadful. I find it devastating they're saying the mother of the 8 year old doesn't even know about it yet. Cruel world we live in. They're all in my thoughts.

24-05-17, 13:20
It is the signs of times we live now Yes there's been many wars, but this is a not war it's just mindless evil acts on innocent folk. Corrupt and twisted minds can only describe these who do such things, and yet they have families too makes no sense (: Cheers

---------- Post added at 13:20 ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 ----------

Update: 3 more men have been arrested in conjunction with the suicide bomber who did have help in making this dreadful bomber elso the level of severe to critical the highest level :eek: What has been promised is upti 5,000 army troops are going to be deployed across major cities so far this is under review but extra armed police are now in force from today.Cheers

24-05-17, 15:15
Dreadful. I find it devastating they're saying the mother of the 8 year old doesn't even know about it yet. Cruel world we live in. They're all in my thoughts.

I was on a much larger mainstream forum last night catching up on events and spotted one poster saying their friend's daughter was still missing and they feared the worst.

How the hell can they have not told the parents? I've seen a picture of that 8 year old on the BBC news at lunchtime Tuesday with a statement from her school about her. Someone in the family must have given permission to release her ID to the media?

25-05-17, 09:19
From what I'd read Terry, the mother herself is in a coma and a neighbour or friend said she didn't know her young daughter had died. Her husband is at her bedside who I presume is the girls father. It's all so tragic. People still missing I can only think that means one thing.

Heart breaking.

25-05-17, 12:12
Haven't been on here very often, but have been thinking about all of you in the UK this week. My heart goes out to you all. Senseless, horrific, no words describe it.

25-05-17, 16:04
sending hugs to all who needs them.


26-05-17, 02:49
.Would'nt it be lovely to turn on the TV and watch the news and be told...There is peace on Earth.:hugs:

26-05-17, 05:16
From what I'd read Terry, the mother herself is in a coma and a neighbour or friend said she didn't know her young daughter had died. Her husband is at her bedside who I presume is the girls father. It's all so tragic. People still missing I can only think that means one thing.

Heart breaking.

Very tragic. I bet her husband is dreading that conversation. God knows what he must be going through right now.

I hope the NHS offers these people swift mental health treatment if they need it.

Losing a child must be a terrible loss to experience.

26-05-17, 09:22
It must be awful Terry. Obviously any death is tragic, but your own child is just cruel. I have relatives who lost a 'child' at 21 years old and it still devastates them 28 years later.

Somebody has spoken about the young girls injuries etc and the fact she was asking for her mother which is beyond heart breaking, as a mother I'd personally rather not know.

Hope the mother pulls through and like you say is able to get immediate mental health help. I'd happily forgo my potential upcoming therapy for somebody like that.

---------- Post added at 09:22 ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 ----------

Yes also tragic for her husband.

28-05-17, 02:19