View Full Version : pretty big lump, I'm asking for someone else

23-05-17, 04:23
I know you guys aren't doctors and I'm not asking for a diagnosis in just wondering if this is something worth checking out.

My girlfriend has been having some lower back pains, so I was massaging her, well right above the left but cheek I guys it's the pelvic bone or whatever, well above that I felt a pretty big lump, sausage like, slightly moveable, and there's not one on the right, it's right where people have dimples on their lower backs, idk if this is whats causing the pain, but i mentioned it to her and she didnt even know it was there, she doesnt have health anxiety like me, so she took it alot better than i wouldve.

She doesnt seem worried about it, but i am a litfle concerned about what it might be.

Any thoughts?

23-05-17, 05:18
Hi. I guess my advice for you is this.

How concerned are you about the bump? If it's moderate enough, then it wouldn't hurt to check it out, it could be a cyst or maybe even an ingrown hair?
Usually the bumps or lumps you want to look out for are ones on your neck, armpits, breast or anywhere that a lymph node could be. Having a bump on the back sounds like it could be anything really. Cancerous? Most likely not. However, if the bump itself is giving out pain, or feels hard and you can't move it like, it's best to get it checked out just in case.

All the best.

23-05-17, 16:49
It's not a lymph node, I have become pretty familiar with nodes, as I have some palpable ones in my neck, her lump is under the skin like on the muscle, my best size estimate is 6 cm in length or more and about 4 cm wide.

23-05-17, 16:58
She shall check it out to resolve her pain. Can be a cyst or ball of fat. She could have it forever. Our body is weird :)
Please try not over think it (I have anxiety too so it's easier say)