View Full Version : Sleeping Early Sleeping Late Sleeping Inbetween?

06-05-07, 02:53
I have a question please?For months ..our habit would be go to sleep at 3 to 4 am and then sleep till 3 to 5 pm..Now I have back our sleeping back to around 2am and then even more recently to 12am..I am waking early around 10 am and slumbering until about 12 and then getting up to go feed the animals..For the past few days.. I lay down at night around 10 or even has happened at 9 pm and close my eyes and slept while I waited for my wife to get ready to come to bed.

For the life of me I can't figure out why I will lay in bed and doze and then wake in a jolt.. wake and drink a little water and then go back to sleep and wake in another jolt about an hour later and then same thing again..

Finally I ask her if she is ready to go to sleep and then she gets ready to sleep and I lay down and close my eyes yet it takes me a long time to sleep.When I finally sleep..I wake about every few hours and feeling sick and achy and then go back to sleep.Finally after about 8 maybe 10 hours I drag myself out of bed and then get up and feed the animals..

During the day I long to lay down and take a nap and sometimes I do but always a deep sleep and then a jolt and then a deep sleep and then a jolt..I havent really been feeling well lately and I usually wake around 5am and feel air on my face but a smothering feeling.I checked the weather channel and for some reason thats the time of day that our humidity is the highest..lately ..

I mentioned this to a nurse to a friend of ours and they had been experiencing something along the same lines around the same time.During regular daytime hours the humidity is about 20 percent and flucuates back and forth but stays pretty low but during the early morning hours lately its been getting quite high..and feels as though there is no oxygen in the air..

Its only been the last few days that I have felt as though I couldnt breathe but the other nap wake up thing has been going on for a while..Im worried is there something wrong with me..and why am I getting sleepy so early . Just very odd .Anyone else experiencing anything like this?

06-05-07, 11:48
Hi there

Im sorry your going through a very difficult sleep pattern.
Im guessing this is not your only symtom, are you going through a bad time at the moment with feelings and bad thoughts.

i have gone through the same thing and still do sometimes.
I can stay awake up to 72hrs with no sleep not even cat naps.
I have sever anxiety, thats just the top of the iceberg, but my mind never stops thinking and so caused bad night pattern. once the pattern starts its hard to break and your body will go along with it and get out of a healthy sleep pattern.
You seem to be trying really hard to sort it out but getting to the root of the problem may help you even more.

If you want to talk please dont hesitate to pm me .

I noticed in your own words at the bottom you mention buddhist ways, interesting as Im buddist, and acting buddist.
Take care

06-05-07, 13:13

I also have a weird sleeping pattern (and that's an understatement)! :huh:

I'm normally wide awake until about 6 am and then I can sleep just fine. Sometimes I wake a few hours later and get up to see the most art of the day, other times I'm fast asleep until well into the night. Then, other times I can't stay awake in the evening and I fall asleep at 9pm watching the TV! It's really frustrating and I don't know why I'm like this. :shrug:

Just thought I'd let you know you are not alone, but I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx