View Full Version : Still having headaches..

23-05-17, 12:50
Hi guys,

I have been suffering with headaches since October last year.. i have had blood tests, that came back normal and on Friday i got my MRI results that came back saying nothing significant found.

But part of my is still worried about the possibility of a brain tumour. I had to have my results fast tracked as they were taking way to long, soon I'm concerned that they were rushed and not looked at properly, or they missed something or the fact that it was done without contrast and that means it may not have been able to show anything.

Im still having the headaches and nobody seem so to be able to tell me why. Im just worried i do have a BT and they have missed it :(

23-05-17, 13:03
Contrast imaging is mainly done after you find something significant in the previous scans because it may be much more invasive for the body so if you had nothing found in your previous scans you're fine! Trust me, doctors know what they're doing and they devote enough time to make a proper diagnosis. I used to suffer from terrible headaches for almost a year but they subsided after I distracted myself from my health anxiety. Headaches are usually not the indicator of tumors. Make sure you get plenty of exercise to reduce the tension in your neck and jaw as well as drink water to reduce the possibility of dehydration. Watch out for triggers as well. Loud noises and stressful events are the main reasons why I suffer from migraines sometimes.
Take care!

28-05-17, 18:20
Hi all not been on here for a long time!
I started having headaches 2 weeks ago was originally a migraine from lack of sleep but has been around ever since. Se days needing medication some days not. The last 5 days or so it's really started messing with my anxiety convinced it must be a tumor symptoms are

Headaches pressure throbbing worse whenover standing bend. Funny feeling in my ears like they need to pop bit whooshy in sound. Pulsating in head and sometimes in eyed too. Back of neck n head feel really heavy like I need to turn my head all the way round. Spoke to my Dr n asked if was a tumor he replied it's highly unlikely but won't dismiss it n wants to see me in a month. In addition I have polycistic overies and just had a 5 week 3 day period which had now stoppedal via med.
34 with 3 kids have been working 2 jobs but left my last job Thursday 25th and now going on to work full time

Any help or advice or anyone suffering the same would need appreciated