View Full Version : Anyone else use alcohol to "cope"?

23-05-17, 15:42
I'm just wondering does anyone else use alcohol here as a "coping method", particularly during periods of high anxiety?

I know I do (every weekend I look forward to a binge) but one thing I find is the anxiety is worse the next day. This is probably a mild form of alcohol withdrawal. I've found a way of lessening the "hangxiety" is to drink a lot of water before going to sleep, which strangely seems to work.

I've kept Gordon's Gin in business I think for the last 6+ years haha.

23-05-17, 15:49
Yes. 2-3 beers a day to give myself a calming buzz. I know I shouldn't but I don't go overboard. Back in March I had stopped for about 2 weeks and felt pretty good health wise. I believe I slept better also

23-05-17, 15:53
It's a very slippery slope.

Positive thoughts

23-05-17, 17:26
You look forward to it? Is that because of the reduction in anxiety?

I suspect there are many reasons why anxious feel so bad the next day including how we tend to feel worse with many things the non anxious just get on with. And existing anxiety symptoms will often worsen so if you are not in a good place in recovery, I think you can only expect to experience a blip.

Serotonin is also spiked due to alcohol consumption so the heavier you drink, the more you may be spiking. That will need to readjust which means the precursors from food. Given SSRI's help people with anxiety it makes it sound plausible that it could unbalance this.

But not all anxiety sufferers struggle the next day or two. For those that do, I suspect the Serotonin issue may be relevant. I've never looked into it enough though.

I've come across others on here who self medicate but they seldom mention looking forward to it.

Drinking water before bed helps it flush out. It's an old hangover cure. Alcohol is eliminated at a fixed rate per hour but the dehydration is bound to have an impact.

Some use milk thistle too.

23-05-17, 18:12
Yup. Red wine was my go to. Don't see it as any worse than a benzo for anxiety.

23-05-17, 18:54
I find that having one or two glasses of wine eases my anxiety more than benzos do. So, I drink about 6 days a week during dinnertime. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't use this as a crutch, but I truly feel it helps me feel better and it provides me with at least a few hours of "sanity" where I am able to enjoy life without as much worry.

23-05-17, 19:03
I'm surprised at Josh's comment.

I enjoy a beer or two, but relying on alcohol on a regular basis is potentially dangerous. Benzos come with their own sets of problems of course, but when taken as prescribed and when managed by a competent professional (which not everyone gets, I know) it's a far cry from self-medicating with alcohol. Especially if you're outright binging to "manage" anxiety. That's behaviour that requires treatment.

Also worth bearing in mind that benzos and other psychiatric meds are at their most useful when they help create a bit of mental space and calm that can allow the sufferer to begin working on their condition, especially if they're also receiving therapy (I accept some won't be). I'm not sure alcohol, particularly when taken in binge form, can do this.

23-05-17, 21:20
Red wine helps me relax after a stressful day. I've had periods where I definitely self medicated beyond what was healthy, but am at a good spot now. 1 glass of wine a few nights a week.
Binge drinking can cause adverse health effects long term, so I would caution against it. It contributes to cancer risk. Not trying to scare you, but I feel like if you're using it to cope with health anxiety-but actually contributing to actual health problems- it may not make logical sense.

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23-05-17, 21:45
I repeat....

It's a very slippery slope.

If you can drink and it not affect your anxiety in a negative manner, good for you. There are many here that use it to self-medicate with detrimental results. And remember, if you're on meds, some recommend abstaining and many "limited" intake.

Positive thoughts

23-05-17, 22:10
Don't see it as any worse than a benzo for anxiety.


That's why it's worse.

And the fact that alcohol is a depressant, toxin and turns a lot of people into angry idiots.

23-05-17, 22:45
I'm surprised at Josh's comment.

I enjoy a beer or two, but relying on alcohol on a regular basis is potentially dangerous. Benzos come with their own sets of problems of course, but when taken as prescribed and when managed by a competent professional (which not everyone gets, I know) it's a far cry from self-medicating with alcohol. Especially if you're outright binging to "manage" anxiety. That's behaviour that requires treatment.

Also worth bearing in mind that benzos and other psychiatric meds are at their most useful when they help create a bit of mental space and calm that can allow the sufferer to begin working on their condition, especially if they're also receiving therapy (I accept some won't be). I'm not sure alcohol, particularly when taken in binge form, can do this.

I'm not talking about binging. I'd consider 2 glasses of red wine safer than taking a benzo for anxiety.

24-05-17, 00:02
I do it sometimes and regrets it like a dog after the fact. Bad medicine, it really is, but it does provide an escape from the anxiety horror at the moment - just at the moment.

24-05-17, 02:16
I can see members of AA disagreeing. Slippery slope.

Some on here used to self medicate and had to then beat the alcohol too.

How often will it be two glasses? And what if the anxiety gets worse? A couple more glasses?

Benzo's are supervised. Many meds are worse than alcohol but we are prevented from abusing them.

24-05-17, 02:33
I mean I suppose I do. I love having a glass or two of red wine a night which i don't believe is going "overboard" I use to abuse alcohol in the past, before the anxiety hit and since Ive been properly diagnosed I have definitely cut back on it. I use to go out and booze up with my friends all the time not to mention alcohol ruined a lot of my relationships one which includes my sons father. I've realized my mistakes and have repented for them and moved on. You have to know your limits and be able to not go over them. Moderation is key. I don't think theres anything wrong with relaxing with a drink or two.