View Full Version : Side effect - water retention?

23-05-17, 20:31
Hi all
I started Pregabalin 4 weeks ago and haven't posted much in that time as I was up and down and didn't want to jinx anything by posting when I started to feel better (can anyone else relate to that? I'd felt bad for over 7 months so didn't want to start celebrating feeling better in case it all came crashing back down).
Anyway, 4 weeks on 50mg bd for a week, 100mg bd next week and last 2 weeks 150mg bd and I'm cautiously optimistic.
However, the last few days I've noticed my ankles (particularly one of them) are very swollen and puffy and my legs feel really heavy. I haven't gained any weight since starting the med though. I'm 5' 5" average build and could do with losing a stone or so and I'm otherwise fit and well and exercise regularly.
Has anyone else experienced this side effect? If so, did it pass or did a reduction in dose help? It is on the list of possible side effects but I can't find any other posts relating to it. I'm seeing my GP tomorrow so will be guided for the most part by her but user experience is very useful. I feel quite uncomfortable at the
moment and whilst I would do almost anything not to have anxiety, permanently swollen ankles look and feel unpleasant!
As ever thanks for any words of wisdom!

24-05-17, 01:20
Fluid retention (edema) is a fairly common pregabalin side-effect. Reducing the dose may help, but it may then be less effective.

Raising your feel regularly during the day to drain the fluid building up in leg tissue should help, as may compression stockings. An antihistamine such as mirtazapine, or a diuretic should also be effective but they may cause other issues.

24-05-17, 11:02
Drinking tea or coffee may help as a mild diuretic, and taking your dose at night may help. I've had oedema in my legs, mostly in hot weather when I'm on my feet a lot, but mostly I'm okay. Good luck, and I hope it passes.

24-05-17, 19:57
Thanks both for your replies. You both seem to be "the oracles" on here as far as meds go!:)
I have another question - I'm currently taking 150mg bd and have been on this dose for a couple of weeks. I saw my psychiatrist last week and my GP today and they've told me to see how I go on this dose but if I feel the need I can increase to 200mg bd as apparently I'm pretty sensible and don't need a doctor to tell me to try an increase (at least that's one positive at the moment :D ). The psych said if I do increase and find it's too much for me then I can drop back down again.
So....the question? How will I know if it's too much??? I've really had very few side effects so far apart from the oedema which has only been there for a couple of days anyway. I've had a bit of blurred vision which has now cleared but that's about it - no sleepiness or spaced out zombie feeling like lots of people seem to experience and my digestive system hasn't suffered either! So how much is too much?
Hanshan I think you said you were on the max dose anyway so you may not have experienced "too much" and PDU I know you're not taking Pregabalin but you may both have knowledge of others' experiences!
I'm hoping I won't need to increase but the last couple of days Ive felt a bit wobbly so a bit more each day might be needed if I'm still feeling this way by the end of the week.
As ever, thanks for the advice and hope you both have a great day :D

28-05-17, 22:00
How much better do you feel compared to before taking it? How long have you been on it? I found that it took about 3 months on 150mgs before I felt much 'better'. I think you should stay on the 150mgs for a few more weeks yet and don't take a few wobbly days as the norm. They may only be a blip. I still find I have blips when something makes me really anxious or like at the moment, a friend is gravely ill so I have been a bit wibbly wobbly for over a week but I know it will pass.