View Full Version : Swallowed small piece of plastic?

23-05-17, 21:46
I just got new retainers made, the plastic kind that are molded to teeth and resemble Invisalign. I was seeing how they fit where I felt something in my throat. I looked in the mirror with a flashlight and saw a thin blue piece of plastic that must have chipped off when I took them out. I couldn't get my finger on it with the angle, so I tried to gargle and it wouldn't come. I tried a Q-tip but it was stuck due to salivia. I finally tried to gargle again but never saw it. But when I looked again I saw that it was gone, which means I swallowed it.

So now I'm worried that it will either lodge itself into a part of my digestive system, cut me, or that it didn't even go down my esophagus but my wind pipe and that it will end up in my lungs. I can breathe fine, nothing hurts I just don't know what happened to it and the idea of it in my lungs is freaking me out.

23-05-17, 21:49
It didn't go into your lungs. That's just obvious. IF you did swallow a small piece, it will come out the other end (you swallow corn and it comes out whole right? ;) ) ... No different.

Positive thoughts

23-05-17, 22:37
It will be in your tummy and you will pass it without knowing! Your esophagus moves food down involuntarily by way of peristalsis. Interestingly, you can swallow when hanging upside down because of this.

You've swallowed water and got some in your windpipe before, right? Then you cough and cough because your trachea is so sensitive and your body cleverly knows what to do to save itself.

If the plastic were to enter your windpipe then your body would react in the exact same way, you would have known, it wouldnt have just slipped down there.

Also, it will pass through your system fine! It won't do any damage. My daughter swallowed a 2p piece when she was only 2!!! We went for two X-Rays and it moved along fine, she didn't even notice it really.

You will be fine. :) you won't even notice that it is in your system.

I hope you feel better soon. Xx

23-05-17, 22:48
Ah, if I only had the time to list the things my dog has managed to pass out his other end....

As others have said, you'll be just fine :)