View Full Version : Awful headaches....I've googled

23-05-17, 22:32
So you can imagine all the horrible things going through my mind right now. I'm really worried this could be down to a brain tumor. I've had an awful headache on and off for a week if it was down to a brain tumor would the pain be constant? It feels like pressure behind my eyes, in my sinuses, my ears feel sore and the back of my neck aches I'm wondering (really hoping) it could be a sinus infection (I had a cold about 8 weeks ago and noticed sore sinuses every now and again) and now because I'm worked up about it it's a tension headache too. I'm thinking about it constantly it's the first thing I think about when I wake up and it's on my mind all day.

Other than the head ache I'm feeling sick aswell but not sure if that's down to anxiety. I took some sudofed today and didn't really have any pain my head full and very tender. A hot water bottle on the back of my neck works wonders. I tried to make a Drs appointment yesterday but have to wait at least a week

23-05-17, 22:41
Have you ever suffered from migraines? It sounds to me like this could be a sinus-related headache or a migraine headache. Stress can make them worse! My migraines always start behind my eyes. Migraines can give you nausea and neck pain and can last quite a while. Xx

23-05-17, 22:43
Going on about 3 weeks with a headache and and off balance feelings here.

23-05-17, 22:49
Thank you for your replies. I've never had a migraine I'm so worried it could be something serious which I'm sure isn't helping I did also have a lot of broken sleep last week when my daughter was poorly

23-05-17, 22:55
Your symptoms do sound migraine-like to me. Lack of sleep can make them worse too! As can hunger and hormones. Migraines don't have to have classic symptoms such as light sensitivity.


28-05-17, 18:18
Hi all not been on here for a long time!
I started having headaches 2 weeks ago was originally a migraine from lack of sleep but has been around ever since. Se days needing medication some days not. The last 5 days or so it's really started messing with my anxiety convinced it must be a tumor symptoms are

Headaches pressure throbbing worse whenover standing bend. Funny feeling in my ears like they need to pop bit whooshy in sound. Pulsating in head and sometimes in eyed too. Back of neck n head feel really heavy like I need to turn my head all the way round. Spoke to my Dr n asked if was a tumor he replied it's highly unlikely but won't dismiss it n wants to see me in a month. In addition I have polycistic overies and just had a 5 week 3 day period which had now stoppedal via med.
34 with 3 kids have been working 2 jobs but left my last job Thursday 25th and now going on to work full time

Any help or advice or anyone suffering the same would need appreciated