View Full Version : Short of breath/heartburn?

23-05-17, 22:39
I've been feeling short of breath for 8months now the bottom of my ribs are so tight and every time I do slight exercise even just walking it gets worse and I sweat so bad and overheat and feel extremely faint (and have fainted because if this a few times) I've been to the drs and had my oxygen done which was 99% blood pressure normal, blood test for iron and thyroid was clear and it's put down to anxiety.

Now the past week I've had really bad heartburn and tummy issues my chest and throat burn and my chest fills tingly and weird and I have to be carful what I'm eating otherwise I feel really sick or I get really bad stomach pains.

Could the short of breath be related to the heart burn, I just wish I could breath and leave the house without feeling like I'm going to pass out or be sick anyone else get these symptoms?

23-05-17, 22:48
Yes actually, your shortness of breath could very well be related to heartburn. This is a known symptom. Are you on any medication for it? I would be inclined to get some from the doctor. Some people turn up at accident and emergency with acid reflux/heartburn, symptoms can be so extreme and aren't well known.

Liquid gaviscon will help in the meantime. Try not to eat fatty/spicy food. Fizzy drinks and smoking are bad too. I think the doctor will likely perscribe you omeprazole or lansoprazole. They slow the production of stomach acid and are very effective.

23-05-17, 22:55
Hi , not sure if what you describe is like me but I've had breathing problems for over a year , I get sort of tickle in my lungs or throat and then it all tenses up and makes breathing quite laboured , it doesn't feel like my breathing is smooth , I also try coughing and throat clearing , I've been to docs loads of times it all started when the gave me too much streroid inhaler and I gave me a mouth and throat infection , I have no answers but it's driving me insane , well that and other things , take care .

23-05-17, 23:32
I've had shortness of breath for a few months now. It started after a particularly bad cough that followed a cold. I also developed heartburn during that time.

They now have me on two different inhalers, but I don't even know if they are helping. I may be allergic to the daily inhaler, so I'm seeing the allergist tomorrow.

I hope you can find the real issue.

24-05-17, 08:11
Thanks everyone, I just don't want to go back to the drs because they just put everything down to anxiety, even though I know this short of breath is being caused by something other than anxiety, the shortness of breath is causing the anxiety!

24-05-17, 12:05
Thanks everyone, I just don't want to go back to the drs because they just put everything down to anxiety, even though I know this short of breath is being caused by something other than anxiety, the shortness of breath is causing the anxiety!

I'm in the same boat as you :(. It's so hard to tell what's causing what and even more difficult to get the doctors to understand.

24-05-17, 22:12
I feel like drs don't listen and just see on your record your an anxiety sufferer and put it down to that, I've had to ask my dr to check listen to my lungs and check my blood pressure because they don't check, and I had high blood pressure once and she wouldn't let me go for ages she kept checking it and I left with a prescipstion to bring down blood pressure now if I didn't ask for my blood pressure to be taken I wouldn't of known!

Also the first time I had a panic attack I went to the dr and I had to have an ecg, blood test, and was told to go to ring an ambulance if my chest pain got worse, thankfully it was just a panic attack but what if I go with real symptoms and they don't do the right checks.

25-05-17, 02:37
Just today, I was at my allergist's office. Because of the shortness of breath and everything, I've had to schedule emergency appointments for the last three weeks. Today's appointment was scheduled because I believed I was having an allergic reaction to the daily inhaler I had been given the week before. I also wondered if the reaction was actually just anxiety, but I wasn't going to guess.

Anyway, as I sat in the room and waited for him, I heard him and the nurse stop outside the door and say something along the lines of, "Just so you know, this woman is here...three weeks in a row." He replied, "Oh jeez..." He was the one that had me schedule the emergency appointment after I called his office, but apparently I'm annoying them with my breathing troubles.

This office is only open on one day a week for about three hours, so I understand that they are slammed with patients, but I can't help that all of this suddenly started and that I'm sensitive to certain medicines. The whole thing about asthma is that you have to test to see what works.

I was so upset to hear them kind of making fun of me right outside the door that I almost started crying.

I was upset, but also angry so, when he was actually in the room, I made a point to say, "I know I've been here three weeks in a row, but I wasn't sure what to do." I wanted him to know that I had heard. It was more the nurse's fault than his, but he could have responded to her comment differently.

I really wanted to just break down crying during the appointment and say, "You know, I don't enjoy being being here. I don't enjoy getting all of these tests done. I don't like to annoy you with my health problems, but you're the only allergist in the town and I've got some issues going on here!"

I didn't say that, but he did eventually say that I did the right thing by contacting his office about the reaction.

I feel like I have this issue with all the doctors I see. I try not to go to the doctors too often because they can't seem to figure my issues out and, like you said, when they see ANXIETY on the chart, they automatically shut their problem solving brain off. I do have the actual issues of being orthostatic and now this possible asthma, but I don't fit in their diagnosable box for other things.

It's like I've got the word ANXIETY stamped on my forehead or something and they want nothing to do with me.