View Full Version : Calling all twitchers.

23-05-17, 23:50
So I've been dealing with twitches for a long time. I've had anxiety over ALS for about 8 months but have been twitching over a year.

I'm finally starting to accept that they are benign and am getting the upper hand on my anxiety. I was wondering if anyone found anything that lessens their twitches. As I write this my quad is going crazy, and it's quite annoying. I would love to find something to get these things to stop.

Also, twitches you can see but not feel. Benign as well?

Thanks in advance.

24-05-17, 03:12
Twitching without weakness is benign. I've had every twitch u can think of. I've heard taking a warm bath helps , but I've never really tested it. For me the only thing that seems to help is ignoring them. I know things that make them worse : not getting enough sleep, when I'm on my feet a lot, after drinking alcohol, when I'm stressed out about things like a new area twitching lol, and when I'm hungry. You'll get over this don't worry . It just takes time no matter what reassurance you get you will doubt it because you have health anxiety. Start working out and exercising it really does help because it proves that your muscles are working. Keep your head up you can do it ! :D

24-05-17, 03:53
Thanks a lot. I'm starting to get over them. I have days when I didn't even thinkaout them and days like today when I have a thumper and think about them all day.

I've noticed stress and alcohol definitely makes worse.

24-05-17, 05:45
I have them all twitches I can see twitches I can't see twitches I can feel but not see. Ripples, thumpers, and twitches that hurt. 2016 was mentally a rough year for me because of these twitches. It really tests you, and you see how thin of a line it is when it comes to sanity and Insanity. Don't let it control you ; expect twitching you have BFS and you are not an exception and you are not alone. I twitch constantly in my calves sometimes it's crazy bad and other times it's hardly noticeable. I just take the good with the bad and go about my day. It could be worse I could have IBS lol my fiance has it and we can't go anywhere without her shitting :doh:

24-05-17, 15:34
Yes, hot baths really work.
But what really works is stoping to think about them, what I know is REALLY hard.
Whenever you have a twitch you have to think: They will go away in a while.
I have been twitching since january, but they have decreased a lot since I have calm down a bit.

24-05-17, 16:02
Also keep in ind that twitches do not start before weakness, and perceived weakness doesn't count. When they say weakness, they mean not being able to lift a hair dryer type of weakness, not a perception of weakness.

24-05-17, 17:42
Lately ive had them all over. Today my fingers are twitching, thats a new one for me

26-05-17, 16:12
I've been diagnosed with Benign Fasiculation Sydrome. My neuro gave me klonpin to take at night. It seemed to help a little. I have since stopped taking it and I still have random twitching all over.

26-05-17, 16:53
Vitamins helped me, more I worried about my twitches the more I felt them. I decided it was likely a vitamin deficiny and started taking multi vits. Probably didn't make any difference but because i *thought* they did, it helped.