View Full Version : Labyrinthis ... anyone suffered??

24-05-17, 07:00

Doctor said I have labyrinthis .. I feel awful heachaches, neck pain, dizzy , ear pain , muscle aches and bunged up feeling in back of my throat.. has anyone else had this?? It started last Monday so 10 days ago I started to feel better and then yesterday it hit really bad ... I'm worried I have something bad being missed like a brain tumour but I'm also justbworried this will never go!

Any advice or experiences would be great.

24-05-17, 09:57
Oh I really feel for you! I have had it once, a few years ago, it was awful. Just as you described. I can tough out illness usually but I just cannot cope with dizziness, it is a horrible feeling. Did the doctors give you any medication? Whilst they couldn't treat mine itself they did put me on tablets to help with the dizziness and they were quite effective. Xx

24-05-17, 10:40
Hi I had this back in January and think I could possibly have it again now. It was horrible but I was told I just had to wait it out unless the dizzyness got to bad. I really feel for you and hope you feel better soon