View Full Version : Anxiety?

06-05-07, 11:57
I keep getting a wierd feeling of like im over doing it but im obviously not. I get suddenly very dizzy, head all tingles and feels tight and I feel very sick. I have it now. The main thing is my eyes are heavy, im so tired and lethargic.

I had a full blood count done last week and im not anaemic, im having 6 hours sleep a night, have had a lot less for many years with having 3 kids so im used to it. What could be causing this funny turns? I feel exhausted and heavy eyed all day.

I am worrying ME, MS, tumour, clot........... dr said bp and bloods are fine. He did my bloods because of my low ferritin and thought it might be anaemia causing these feelings but its not. I have an appointment on 17th to go back and see him, seems so long away.

Sorry to keep posting but im so worried, they used to happen if I over did it but this is silly now, i was sitting down when i had one this morning. I am worried sick.

06-05-07, 12:50
Hi Cherry3.

Certainly sounds like anxiety but only your GP can tell you that.

I know it seems a long wait til the 17th, but don't stop posting - we're all here to help each other ok?

PM me if you feel like it ok?


06-05-07, 13:33
I know we all need differing amounts of sleep but six hours, to me at least, doesn't sound a lot. I know I started to feel better when I increased how much sleep I got and think that sometimes we don't recognise when we are suffering from exhaustion. I work and have teenagers so am very busy but beause I thought I was superhuman (lol) I didn't know when to say enough is enough. Try and have a few naps or a few sleep ins and see if you feel any better. I must also add that people have commented that I look better these days and I think that's all down to not looking so flippin tired!

Kay x

06-05-07, 17:28
Thank you both I shall try and relax.