View Full Version : Computer glasses?

24-05-17, 21:30
Has anyone tried these? I am getting terrible headaches and almost a motion sickness feeling from being on the computer or on my phone. Unfortunately, I work in an office so computer work is inevitable.

This has happened in the past but seems more common now. I'm trying not to freak myself out by thinking something awful is going on and am putting it down to spending more time in front of a screen.

As I've got grad school coming up and a second job with a computer, my screen time is not likely to decrease. And when I don't feel well, I'm less productive. Have been looking into these glasses, not sure if anyone has ever used them or if they work?

25-05-17, 00:28
I was just buying to eyeglasses 2 days ago and mentioned I am a web designer so stare at the screen a lot. He said I should get one pair of glasses that has some special coating on it that protects our eyes from the blue light from the screen. So just grab a pair of those, and you'll be good.

25-05-17, 00:57
Have your eyes tested by a optometrist. I wasted money on getting cheap reading glasses at CVS. You might need reading glasses. Also, you need to take breaks and look at a point far away. All that close up work on a computer makes the eye muscles tight and looking away helps them stretch. I have been on computers for 30 years, love to read and went to college online. I can relate to what you are going through.

You can also adjust the brightness on computers, you can turn it down or up.

25-05-17, 17:18
Yeah, I agree, I do need to take more breaks.

I will be going to my eye doctor soon for my yearly exam so will ask about them then. I do wear contacts as I am near-sighted. I believe I'm interested in one of those pairs that help filter the light, but from what I understand you have to order them through the doctor anyway.