View Full Version : Propanolol

25-05-17, 11:20
I've been on 20mg of propanolol a day for 3 months now alongside Sertraline and the Doc has suggested I come off the propanolol as I was feeling a lot better and was quite sleepy. The Doc said coming off a low dose cold turkey would be fine but after two days off it I have been anxious, hot and not sleeping. I wonder if this is normal or is this just my sub conscious telling me I have stopped my meds. I did have some stress at work during that time as well which I am not dealing with very well.

You guys are great so hopefully someone else has been through something similar and can suggest some tips.

25-05-17, 11:54
Hi I have been on various dosages of propranolol once at 160mg per day. The only side effects from stopping it may be a raise in blood pressure or heart rate temporarily. I would say that with the amount you are on and times that your symptoms are due to the additional stress you have had without the support of propranolol... it's not a bad drug to be on why not talk to doctor about going back on it?

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Catherine S
25-05-17, 11:59
I think doctors are really good at not acknowledging side effects and withdrawal symptoms from meds. We seem to come across this time after time on the forum. The thing is that everybody reacts differently to the same medication. I was taking propranolol at 80mg for around 4 years, reducing to 40mg when I was swopped to another beta blocker called Bisoprolol. I take only 10mgs of this but apparently that's equivalent to 40mgs of propranolol, so the transition for me was trouble free.

My guess is that your anxiety symptoms could be your adrenal system missing the crutch it had with propranolol, which of course stops too much adrenaline from hurtling around. Even though your dose wasn't high compared to what some people take, 40mgs was your personal optimal dose, so to go from that to nothing wouldn't have given your nervous system time to adjust. It probably would've benefited you to reduce the dose gradually down to 20, 10, 5mg.

I don't know how much the Sert' comes into it as I only have experience with beta blockers, but other members will be able to advise you about that i'm sure.


26-05-17, 12:27
Benjammin69 thank you so much for your response. I have a few left over so I might give it a go.

I still Believe - I think you are absolutely right. I think they here you are a bit better and take you off them without thinking that psychologically it also has an effect.

Today has been a complete struggle. I have no appetite, hot sweats and just want to sleep. It usually wears off by the afternoon so here is hoping.

Thanks both for responding. Its very kind.

28-05-17, 11:16
I still believe- 2 months with anxiety and I was doing really well. Two things changed. I came off propanolol and I had some work stress. The work stress was sterling strengthening against the US dollar which I can normally rationalise as completely out of my control. But without propanolol I think I through logic out of the window. Going to give it one more day and then will go back on them.

Catherine S
28-05-17, 12:32
Hi there, well I take beta blockers every day because of benign heart palpitations...dropped beats and flutters etc, because my system is extra sensitive to them. I've suffered with these palpitations since my 20s but only been taking beta blockers since 2007. If you didn't have any side effects from propranolol and you feel they eased your anxiety then I agree that it's worth taking them again. Don't feel guilty about taking them if you need them, they aren't mind altering drugs like other meds are.