View Full Version : Asymmetrical body - my main issue

25-05-17, 11:24
So my main issue so far is perceiving ANY asymmetry in my body as something malignant.
I know I have asymmetrical:
- neck (mostly scm muscles)
- groins (fat and muscles i think)
- feets
- hands
- stomach muscles a bit

Some of these been even ultra sounded by surgeons on on my request and dismissed as normal body anathomy. I know it's cognitive distortion but need some advices how to deal with such perception and negative thoughts? I want to start CBT next month but want to act now and get out of this trap. I cant run to docs with every imagined problem!

25-05-17, 12:23
So you know asymmetry is totally normal and in spite of this you perceive on your body as sinister? You don't perceive other asymmetric natural objects in the same way do you?

Obviously that's a skewed perception and thought process and sounds as if it will require some intensive professional help. I wish I had a suggestion but words on a screen won't change this. The CBT will help as long as you work at it and make it part of your daily coping mechanism.


25-05-17, 13:11
Hi - I have exactly the same thing!! I am obsessed with symmetry! In fact it was that that got me into my latest panic about motor neurone disease. I thought I had an asymmetric lymph node in my neck, so checked in my mouth to see if there was a lump and then - after a long time of looking(!!) - decided that the muscles in my soft palate were sightly uneven. PANIC!!!! So from that moment, I started developing the symptoms of MND!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

25-05-17, 14:33
Is normal if you look up the word asymmetrical in the dictionary it would have my name with it. My right hand is bigger than my left hand I have my left rib cage protuding out alot more than the right side I have a bigger right shoulder than my left I can go on and on. We are either left handed or right handed resulting in having bigger muscles on that particular side we use the most and its just all part of being different I guess.

25-05-17, 15:15
Everybody is asymmetrical

25-05-17, 15:19
Look at photos of people's faces, taken front-on like an ID photo (without much makeup, if possible). If you look carefully, you will see that almost all are asymmetrical in some way, even famous movie stars. So asymmetricality is the norm, not symmetricality.

26-05-17, 16:11
I have the exact same problem. It sucks and I feel your pain!

My current freak out is over why my right eye is smaller than my left. It's been literally driving me nuts and I've diagnosed myself with many horrible conditions. :(