View Full Version : Unexplained bruising - scared its leukemia

25-05-17, 16:13
Hey everyone

The past week or so my skin has randomly come up with some random unexplainable bruises. I have a huge patch on the underside of my arm and a few random small patches on my legs. The one on my arm is slightly darker whereas the ones on my legs are a green/yellow color. I went to the doctors today who is sending me for a blood test in the morning but obviously my results won't be back until mid next week.

My health anxiety led me to check online for what it could be and obviously I've landed on the worst case scenario.

I'm also panicking because I've felt really light headed and nauseous lately but am not sure if that's because of the heat.

Am terrified it's something bad but I guess I'm looking for a little reassurance. It could obviously be something as simple as anemia or a vitamin deficiency but my brain isn't logical at all lol :weep:

Anyone have similar symptoms that have turned out to be nothing?

27-05-17, 00:16
Sounds like you may have low iron.

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18-07-17, 22:31
Did you get any results?

19-07-17, 04:30
That's why it's never a good idea to Google symptoms :( it seems as though every single symptom one can Google eventually leads to a diagnoses of cancer.

Yes, bruising can be a sign on Leukemia but you would likely have more profound symptoms then the ones you are expierencing.. I think it's more likely then not that your iron is low and if it's not there are still many other causes that can be explored before jumping into a cancer diagnosis.

Blood cancers believe it or not are rare.

Don't Google anymore and trust your Dr. Good luck