View Full Version : Racing heart at bedtime

06-05-07, 20:21
Hi there
Sorry posting a lot today but having a really bad time.
Racing heart at bedtime - what the heck is that all about? I have had this a few times and last night the latest attack. Just as I have fallen asleep or shortly after I wake up with my heart doing 100bpm+
what causes this - I find it terrifying. It usually takes 20 min to half an hour to calm down and of course once it has started I am thinking all kinds of grim thoughts...
Does anyone else get this?

06-05-07, 20:31
Beadbabe, please don't apologise for posting - that's what NMP is for:hugs:

This is anxiety/panic and it's b****y 'orrible I know. Completely terrifying.

But, once you know this you can begin to get on top of it. Know that it can't harm you and will subside eventually. I found this very hard to do at first, but I managed to do it in the end.

Now, if on the odd occassion it's quite bad (which is extremely rarely) I try and stay calm and keep repeatin gto myself that it will pass soon.

It's not easy, but it can be done.


07-05-07, 10:09
Yes I've had this too, just a few months ago. Can't believe it now as I feel so normal. At the time I thought it would never stop, but here I am, still here and
just a few lingering anxiety symptoms, so hang in there, it does get better.

07-05-07, 10:49
there is no need to appologise to us, we are all here to help each other.
what you were feeling was a panic attack.
you just need to remain calm and let it pass.
if you need to talk there are many people on here and i would be more than happy to have a chat with you.
adam x

07-05-07, 10:54
Racing heart is a fairly common problem for anxiety, although I don't have it. However, my anxiety levels always increase as soon as I go to bed, so maybe its the same with you. I think it's because we are no longer distracted and maybe the thought of going to bed and darkness triggers things off.

08-05-07, 03:19
Its anxiety,.I have felt this a thousand times..Go to sleep and heart is normal beating or beating as normal as it can I suppose ..and then out of nowhere you wake and your heartbeat is racing..Mine has a tendency to do this more early in the morning.. but it has happened right after I went to sleep.I think its probably a possibility of eating to late contributes or even eating something with sugar in it or just a heavy meal earlier in the night time.. but most of all I think when you sink into deep sleep you start experiencing dreams that cause you to be anxious.Hope this helps..

05-04-09, 23:33
I have been experiencing these same symptoms in the middle of the night. I am 42 years old in good shape low BP when not in a panic attack..lol. However, I have had several tests all normal..docs say it is not my heart it is anxiety! I wake up in the middle of the night heart racing..takes about a half hour for me to calm down. I know this is a scary thing but I find the more you reassure yourself that it is not going to kill you and realize it is all a state of mind the better it gets. It is so hard and scary but if you let it ruin your life you will not be able to enjoy all the things that your life has to offer. Please forward any advice.

Thanks and God Bless..AmyAnxiety

06-04-09, 13:56
im same all night everynight i get it its a pain in thew butt but its not harmful

07-04-09, 22:35
Propanalol. (sp)

I suffered real bad from this when I discovered I suffer (from anxiety)
I still get a wee bit of racingheart but no way as bad as it was, propanalol calms it down.

No idea why I got the racing heart at bed time, but it got progressively worse, hence I sought help. Propanalol takes the edge of it some what.

Hope this helps.

08-04-09, 04:30
yep i have normal BP, cholestorol etc and occasionally get a racing heart right before bed. i just ignore it i guess but it SUUUUUUUUCKS.