View Full Version : Feels like my digestion is moving WAY too fast

25-05-17, 19:15
For the past year, I've been feeling like my digestion is moving way too fast. I don't have diarrhea or constipation, but what I mean is that my stools are very loose sometimes. It feels solid when it leaves my body, but immediately loses form once in the toilet (it's NOT diarrhea though).

For all my life, my schedule has been pretty regular, and I only go every other day at my most frequent. I've been really stressed out and anxious over the past year, and am not sure if that's perhaps a cause.

I'll get a mild urge to go, but if I ignore it, it passes. And then the next day, my stool is pretty normal looking. I've noticed adding fiber helps make the stools not loose, and if I'm on an exercise regiment (generally only during the summer), I don't have the problem at all.

Just wondering if anyone has had this symptom before. I just had bloodwork recently and everything looks normal. Not anemic, liver enyzmes etc. are normal. Haven't had blood or anything weird besides the loose stool, but I seem to have lost a little bit of weight recently (usually weigh 113-14 lbs, now fluctuate between 108 to 112 lbs), but that could be due to bad anxiety...I'm pretty young (25) so haven't had a colonoscopy or anything