View Full Version : Recent events in the UK

Yorkshire born
25-05-17, 22:20
Anyone else having their anxiety triggered by the tragic events in the UK? I've been doing well for almost a year now but working in town and seeing armed police on the streets is starting to wear at my nerves and trigger my catastrophic thoughts. Looking for a bit of support and advice on how others cope.

28-05-17, 20:04
I too have a tendency for catastrophic thinking, but that's generally in my personal life, however I understand how you feel.

You're certainly not alone feeling on edge about seeing armed police on the streets, I would think the majority of the general public would shudder at the sight, but... they are there for our safety.

Ironically, with everyone being asked to be super vigilant for suspicious packages and behaviour we're probably a lot safer now than we were just over a week ago.

Life will never be stress free, and if we are looking for that we'd never go out the house.

I hope you feel calmer.

28-05-17, 21:17
Don’t believe everything you see\hear on the news mate just concentrate on yourself and go about your business normally. Try some kind of meditation to control your thoghts, mindfulness is the most popular right now.

31-05-17, 15:33
Of course the nerves and anxiety will be high at the moment after the tragic events in Manchester, I myself feel a little wary as I am travelling this weekend. But at the same time we cannot let these scum bags stop us living life, since 2010 there has been there has been 6 terror attacks here in England (Correct me if I am wrong, just going by search results :shrug: ) so that is a very very low number in that many years, so you have to think what are the chances of you being caught up in a terror attack? They are very slim! This is what I tell myself if I get worried about this.