View Full Version : Thudding in ear?

26-05-17, 06:17
I am plagued by a new fear, why is my ear thumping?

26-05-17, 13:12
Even a qualified doctor would struggle to answer such an unspecific question. I'm willing to bet anxiety would be on their list of possibilities, though.

31-05-17, 03:28
Anxiety is the likely culprit. When my stress goes up (like talking in front of a class, especially in psych about a subject that pissed me off) my ear starts thumping. It goes away when my body fully calms, which takes a whilr even after you think you're calm

31-05-17, 05:37
I have had this. I believe it's called "tympanic flutter." It is horribly distracting but not harmful. Once I had it really bad for almost 24 hours. I thought it was permanent and that I would never sleep again! It wasn't -- it went away. I still get it occasionally at random, just a few "thuds" here or there. Don't worry!

31-05-17, 06:25
This happens to me every now and again. It literally sounds like I'm "hearing" a muscle spasm inside of my ear. Nothing more than just an annoyance.