View Full Version : Concussion Anxiety - please help!!!

26-05-17, 09:51
Hi everyone. I am a 24 year old female, generally healthy, but I have concussed myself in the past. The first time was when I was 19, and the second time was when I was 21. The issues from these concussions have resolved themselves, however every time I hit my head now I go into a panic and convince myself I have another concussion. I know that having a history of concussions makes you more susceptible to them in the future, which only contributes to my anxiety.

Two days ago I hit the side of my head, behind my ear. I was being careless and I hit the side of my head on a metal pole. It gave me quite a shock, but I didn't black out or vomit. I slept through the night last night. The only symptom I'm having is a headache (which feels like a "concussion" head ache because there is pressure in the front of my head) and the spot where I hit my head still hurts to the touch. But I don't have much of a bump or any of the other symptoms.

I now can't tell the difference between the actual headache I'm feeling and my anxiety. I think stress might be contributing to it, because I've now convinced myself I have a concussion. I know this isn't rational, because people hit themselves on the head all the time and don't suffer any consequences, but whenever I google my symptoms for head injuries it sends me into the same old spin, and I'm concerned because I've been concussed in the past. Any advice/stories about head injuries or those with a history of concussion hitting their head subsequently would be so appreciated...I really just need to calm down and hearing some anecdotes would be helpful.