View Full Version : body surges

miss motown
06-05-07, 21:17
does anybody get a weired sensation like an electric surge rushing thru your body it happens just as soon as im dropping off to sleep.its a weired sensation i can only explaine as a surge ur a stiffening of the body and then relax then stiffen againe.im sorry i carnt really expline it properly i just no its a strange feeling:wacko:

07-05-07, 14:25
It's called a "Hypnic Jerk" and is quite harmless. See this article :


08-05-07, 03:30
This is so weird..not even sure its assocaited with anything.I have read so much about so many people having it and it cant all be anxiety .. its just our brains and muscles relaxing..I go through this at least 8 to 10 times a night.I will be relaxed slipping into deep sleep or be asleep and next thing I know im sitting bolt upright without using my arms to lift me up..I do this probably on the avereage of that many times a night.

I asked my wife what she thought and she said that couldnt be anxiety ..its got to be because you are slipping into deep sleep and your mind and muscles are relaxing and when they do you must feel a falling sensation in which your mind reacts causing your muscles to contract really quick.. So well I don't worry about it too much but it happens to me so much I have come to accept it as normal.. Hope this helps..

08-05-07, 03:39
I had this same problem when my anxiety started. Once I got on meds and went to counseling it has went away....THANK GOD!!!! ONe night it kept me up all night. Search under my username and you will see all of my posts....one is titled about this...but i forget what I called it..hope you find it. PM me anytime....I have lots of experience with this. For me, it is completely anxiety related.

08-05-07, 11:17
Hey, I've had this tons of times too, when I'm anxious. Just as I'm falling asleep there's a sudden jolt and I'm awake again.

Not quite like the falling feeling - I get that from time to time too, and apparently that's relating to your body falling asleep before your mind, so you suddenly feel like you have no body!

The weird jolt that wakes me up is like a sudden burst of dizziness, not very nice but it does go away.

Hope that's helpful :)

08-05-07, 11:40
I have been having a surge of a tickly rushing sensation all thru my body at night now for months!!Not the jerking,tho i get that too.It is a horible feeling as tho i have ants crawling thru my viens,is it adrenalin??I dont know,but it makes me feel like screaming:weep: Has any one else got this???Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx