View Full Version : Breast nipple looks dry and keeps flaking

26-05-17, 14:16

Anyone else had a patch on the nipple that looks like dry skin it's about 3mm and comes and goes the flakes come and go ive had it about a month now been the docs twice and she said its superficial and doesn't look like much but I suffer with health anxiety all the time and check it 100 times a day!

Driving myself mad googling and Pagets keeps coming up but my doc says it doesn't look like it

Anyone else had this?



26-05-17, 15:04

I would think Pagents would get worse if it was that not come and go.

Plus I'm sure it wouldn't be just dry skin.

If it doesn't clear up for your own piece of mind ask to be referred so you can get treatment to tackle it do you don't keep checking which fuels HA!

26-05-17, 15:47
Have you bought a really good moisturizing lotion and tried putting it on several times a day? Any changes in soaps or detergents?

26-05-17, 15:51
I suffer with really dry skin and my nipples itch all the time with flaking skin, I have also had a few patches in my life on or around the nipple and I just keep moisturizing until it goes, don't keep touching or checking, try the lotion like another member has suggested, it should clear up with some TLC :)

26-05-17, 21:24
Thanks guys!

I noticed it 27th april and have been checking it everyday sometimes looks better it almost looks like a pale pink scar which keeps flaking well every few days it hasn't changed just wish it would go

Thank you x