View Full Version : Cold showers

26-05-17, 18:21
I've been suffering from tingling/itching/pins and needles/shooting pains in the extremities the last two months, and my GP thinks it's related to my generalized anxiety, as I've had this diagnosis for 10 yrs roughly. Been on Citalopram just as long.
My symptoms come and go throughout the day, however I've noticed recently that if I take a cold shower, usually 1-2 minutes at the end of a regular shower, my symptoms disappear for about 2-3 hours..
Read that throughout history hydrotherapy has been used to alleviate depression and anxiety and I've become curious why and how this works.
Also I feel as if it might prove a bit more that my symptoms are caused by anxiety and not som other neurological illness like MS or Parkinson's that I've been scared of during this time, as if it was either one of these illnesses they shouldn't be affected by cold showers.

Anybody have any experience from cold water therapy/cold showers?

26-05-17, 18:58
Cold showers always make me feel great. I try to have one every morning. They not only get rid of my anxiety but it's great as a form of self discipline too.

29-05-17, 17:29
Look up the dive reflex. You will see the studies about cold water impact on calming the CNS.

It's why they tell you to splash cold water on your face as a panic technique.

29-05-17, 18:16
I never looked at it from a therapy point of view but the positive effects are apparent and I've had the same positive effect in general from a cold shower. You sure ain't gonna be thinking about ailments or worries when that cold water hits you! It's an instant clear the poo out of your head moment for sure regardless of anxiety!

Positive thoughts

29-05-17, 18:28
when on the mental ward, i was stopped dead 10mg of Ativan no detox. i sat in the walk-in shower for 8 hours a day with just the cold water on in winter:weep:

29-05-17, 18:52
when on the mental ward, i was stopped dead 10mg of Ativan no detox. i sat in the walk-in shower for 8 hours a day with just the cold water on in winter:weep:

Holy ^@% dude! Was that 10mg a day or per dose? When my wife was sick, they would give her 10mg interveniously to bring her out of the catatonia spells. I saw what 10mg did to her :blink:

Positive Thoughts

30-05-17, 10:49
Holy ^@% dude! Was that 10mg a day or per dose? When my wife was sick, they would give her 10mg interveniously to bring her out of the catatonia spells. I saw what 10mg did to her :blink:

Positive Thoughts
the 10mg was per day , i had 2 scripts the gp and the hospital when an out patient, the locom shrink left the hospital so they just scripted lorazepam till a new shrink was found. Has you see his experience with benzos was nil.He stopped the 10mg dead he also put me on 150mg of EFFEXOR the worst med for suicide start-ups 75mg is the start up why he gave me 150mg only he knows he was sacked some months later, After the 10mg lorazepam stop i was sent home, the next 2 days i was freaking out and then i overdosed, blue lighted to the hospital then put on the mental ward. was first given 2mg lorazepam and the no more, hence the time in the shower, at night i crawled the ward floor they were killing me without knowing taking orders from this new doc,I survived by drinking vodka the smack head patients brought me in on weekly day release, they got day release scored HEROIN in the town and smoked it in the hospital cig yard,the staff though they were rolling cigs, after 2 weeks i saw the consultant for the first time and bluffed my way out the ZOO . my family took me straight to the GP who gave me first 60mg valium for 2 days, then 4mg lorazepam from then on and saved my life. I now take 6mg of lorazepam a day and i am happy to they work well with my AD and i am tollerant to the six mg and can never detox :shades:

30-05-17, 12:28
Glad to see you negotiated what sounds like a virtual minefield of mental healthcare in the UK! People here often talk about how lacking the system is for mental health issues. Add to that illegal drugs and alcohol and sheesh! You survived the depths of it.

Positive thoughts

31-05-17, 11:37
I saw a documentary on that cold water swimming helps with depression as it releases that serotonin, that 'feel good' hormone.
Maybe its true!?

01-06-17, 01:09
I saw a documentary on that cold water swimming helps with depression as it releases that serotonin, that 'feel good' hormone.
Maybe its true!?

Serotonin is involved in body temperature regulation. Maybe it's the response to a sudden drop?

Don't people going into hypothermia go through a serious good mood stage?

01-06-17, 16:05
I find a rinse of cold water is a good thing. I have a warm bath, then a cold water rinse.
Braindead . What an ordeal!! I had Ativan from the GP. He retired and the practice was taken over. They do not prescribe Ativan, so I have another concoction of drugs.
Not as good as Ativan. :shades:

01-06-17, 18:31
I've never heard of this and cold water terrifies me but maybe it's worth a try