View Full Version : Grief and anxiety

26-05-17, 18:36
Hi guys, haven't been on here in a while, since the end of last year. I have been doing a lot better and that's a blessing in itself. I did have a question for you all who have been through this. I just lost a friend of 15 years suddenly yesterday (he had a heart condition) who was only in his 40's.

All of his friends and family are in shock, myself included and I'm just worried about handling the grief though I feel deep down I will be ok and I will make it through this. Also my best friend is his wife so I intend to help her however I can, she was there for me completely through all of the anxiety rough times for the last year or two. I just have this fear in the back of my mind of how/if my anxiety will act up.

Any tips for going through this? I have lost loved ones in the past (both parents and a brother), but didn't have the anxiety at the time so I'm kind of worried. Thanks everyone.

27-05-17, 06:38
I found the body of my best friend in November of 2014. Sudden, unexpected loss is extremely traumatic. Don't be worried if you develop or have ptsd symptoms. It's very normal. The best advice I can give you is to seek grief counseling and be patient with yourself the first year. The first year is the most rough as you go through the same events in life without that person for the first time. And also don't be afraid to ask for meds to help you through the rough days.

27-05-17, 16:49
Death always catches us unaware. I lost my mother at a young age and it totally ripped my world apart. Our family didn't stay in touch after her death. I hadn't seen or spoken to my brother in over 25 years. We found each other on Facebook and I even spoke to him on the phone. He passed away suddenly on December 22, my mother passed on December 18 and my birthday is December 15. I totally dread the holidays. When my sister called and told me my brother had passed, it will be two years, now, I walked around in a daze, crying unexpectedly. Antsy is right, its normal to have the feelings that you are experiencing. Don't fear the anxiety, allow yourself to grieve and you will get through this. I'm so sorry for your loss.

01-06-17, 01:23
I'm really sorry to hear you have lost a friend. :hugs::flowers:

This is a natural process as you know from bitter experience. Some days it may just hit you, others you may just be getting on with pushing through it all. Being there for your friend is likely to keep you more focussed on doing what you can for them and I think worrying about possible anxiety is fruitless because if it's going to come, it will, but I believe you will fight back against it because your love for your friend will be more important to you.

01-06-17, 18:52
Thanks everyone for the kinds words and advice. I will take it one day at a time and allow myself to go through the grieving process as I have with loved ones in the past.

And you are right Terry if anxiety comes, it comes - but I will be ok. I'm definitely a fighter and it will NOT get the best of me. There are more important things in life and life is too short so I intend to spend my time loving my family & friends and letting anxiety fade into the background.