View Full Version : I feel off balance a lot

26-05-17, 18:49
So for probably almost a year I've been experiencing this odd feeling like I will fall. I've never fallen and it's never really tripped me up, but it makes me feel wobbly in a way. I feel like I'm being pushed forward or shifting. It used to not really bother me but now that I think about it more it happens more (anxiety, how I loathe thee). It really only happens when I'm walking. I can't actually tell if it's gotten worse since I feel like it only happens when I have thought about it or have had anxiety. Which of course, answers my question for opinion, but wondering if people have had similar experiences. It sometimes feels like it shoots down my whole body (like my legs) but it's main focus seems to be in my lower neck at the shoulders. I'm planning on seeing my family doctor this summer for a regular checkup before college starts. Wondering if I can get peace before then. I'm not extremely worried about it, but I can't stand the feeling!

26-05-17, 19:18
Could it be your blood pressure dropping? I would be tempted to stop into a pharmacy and do a self check blood pressure when it's happening to see if that's the cause.

Are you staying adequately hydrated?

26-05-17, 19:21
I have a blood pressure cuff. It stays steady at normal range. Whenever I have been to a checkup it's normal. I am well hydrated. I'm wondering if it could be something to do with my spine or posture.

27-05-17, 00:15
Could you have an inner ear problem, or allergies, and this symptom is being made worse by the anxiety?

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27-05-17, 00:28
Thank you for responding Melonpony, I do not have any inner ear issues (as far as I know???) and I have no allergies. Sometimes I think it's just my mind making me feel this way! If I don't think about it happening, it doesn't seem to happen. Such a vicious cycle!

27-05-17, 00:30
It's definitely anxiety then. I honestly have this, too. I will feel really like I'm not present, and kind of floating through the day, hoping to God I don't fall down bc that would surely mean I'm dying. But if I'm distracted and doing something engaging, I don't notice and it doesn't bother me or happen. Sounds similar to you.
When I went in for a neurological exam, my Dr had me stand w my feet touching and close my eyes. You can wobble, but if you don't fall down, you're neurologically healthy.

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27-05-17, 04:13
this is me, mythypaw. For 4 years now when I walk, especially on shiny surfaces or rain......I feel like I'm either tipping forward, backward, or sometimes shifting to the side. Ive never actually fallen yet, but I keep fearing I will. Its scary, but ive had the feeling for 4 years now so I'm sure by now if it was serious it would have gotten worse. Again, shiny surfaces make it a lot worse. Check your breathing when it happens. I realized that last year, when the feeling happens you clench your legs and foot muscles so it feels odd...then O2 levels in the body go off. I realized it has to do with how I breathe.