View Full Version : First panic attack in a LONG time over a BEE nest! Advice please

26-05-17, 22:45
:roflmao: I don't know why I'm laughing! Bees have decided to nest in my bedroom wall! I thought I could hear a buzzing over the last few days and then noticed bees coming in and out of an opening above my guttering. When I put my ear against my bedroom cavity wallyou van hear them and it is loud!! We can even hear them just standing in the bedroom.
My partner is really not fussed, but I am terrified they are going to break through the wall into the house, it's only plaster board and what sounds like thousands in there :weep:

I've been really struggling to sleep the last few weeks(not coping well with early pregnancy) and this has made my anxiety hit the roof. Pest control can come out on Sunday, but what exactly can they do as they're in the bloody wall. Im a mess with this I just can't settle :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:13 ----------

I can't sleep in the bedroom so it's going to have to be the leather couch, in this heat, marvelous I'll be peeling myself off in the morning! I'm so hormonal I'm crying because of bees, someone tell me they will not burst through my wall in the night.

My partner will sleep like a log as usual, nothing phases him. Grrr

Catherine S
26-05-17, 23:10
Hi Katie, if it's definitely bees and not wasps you'll be fine, bees keep themselves to themselves largely. ..you don't bother them, they won't bother you. They'll be just buzzy...sorry...with making their honey. Imagine having walls made of honey...how cool! Your bees obviously didn't need you to buy them one of those bee hotels that seem to be popular, they preferred to find their own.

People have been encouraged to help bees as our native species are in decline, but I understand that knowing they've moved into your wall cavities is a bit unnerving for you. Perhaps call your local environmental health department and ask for some advice? I'm not sure if they would want to kill them to be honest though, I think they try to save them these days.

Sorry I couldn't be more help Katie.

ISB ☺ x

27-05-17, 06:19
Hi Katie, if it's definitely bees and not wasps you'll be fine, bees keep themselves to themselves largely. ..you don't bother them, they won't bother you. They'll be just buzzy...sorry...with making their honey. Imagine having walls made of honey...how cool! Your bees obviously didn't need you to buy them one of those bee hotels that seem to be popular, they preferred to find their own.

People have been encouraged to help bees as our native species are in decline, but I understand that knowing they've moved into your wall cavities is a bit unnerving for you. Perhaps call your local environmental health department and ask for some advice? I'm not sure if they would want to kill them to be honest though, I think they try to save them these days.

Sorry I couldn't be more help Katie.

ISB ☺ x

Thanks for replying! Had a terrible few hours sleep on the couch just cannot settle, I've had a look out of the window to see them coming in and out and i dont think they're honey bees but bumble bees, not sure if they nest in wall cavities but they definitely look too big and round for honey bees. It would be easier if they werent.

I was contemplating knocking on my neighbours for a sleep last night haha I will update as to what happens with these bees :doh:

27-05-17, 10:30
Take advice from a local beekeeper. I had a bumble bee nest in my garden it was lovely seeing them come and go. I've got birds in my roof now, sparrows at the front starlings at the back : D

29-06-17, 20:25
Very late with this but just to update, the bee's moved on for some unknown reason they decided it wasn't a good enough place :D

30-06-17, 13:10
Bumblebee nests die off after a couple of months anyway, and they're harmless, so the best advice is usually to let them run their course anyway. They're docile things and unlikely to come in and even less likely to sting - but it sounds like the nest's over now. If you can find the gap where they came in you can fill it to stop any coming in next year.

30-06-17, 14:03
I'm glad the bees have moved on!! Definitely find someone to check for the gap they could have gotten in from though!! Don't want more!