View Full Version : Incredibly confused, feeling let down and dark

27-05-17, 00:06
I have incredible amount of symptoms that do not gradually worsen, every time I visit my GP's now their answer will be anxiety. I have had blood works, urine tests, hearing tests, ECG's, Echodiagrams, CT of head, X-Rays of Spine/Neck, Multiple Neurologist visits, ENT visits all come back clean, with the exception of mild scoliosis and convergence insufficiency. I am not worrying about my double vision which is the same for 6 years, but what worries me is the sensations, weaknesses that happen during laying down to sleep, mostly when I am on leaning on either side or on my stomach. I get weird sensations like something is moving in parts of my head, a weird pressure/weakness, I don't even know how to explain it, I feel dizzy and feels like the eyes are moving, hell yesterday it was already 3:30 am and it felt like something exploded in the back of my head, I stood up immediately, it was crazy. Throat feels like hot and gets to the point where I feel like choking if I don't move, while I move the sensations go ease/go away. I asked my GP could it be something more, perhaps some sort of an autoimmune illness and he explained that I do not have the symptoms of those serious illnesses and I've already had way too many tests done, considering that I am only 19. That may be true, I have no dizziness, fever, loss of appetite, fatigue or anything like that. I do not look ill on the outside. I walk around pretty fast, go to university, enter exams, play football, even work construction. Has anyone ever experienced something similar and could it be caused by something else?

Catherine S
27-05-17, 00:39
You mean something else other than everything you've been tested for up until now? Are there any other tests out there? I would say that most of the people on the forum have experienced alot of your anxiety symptoms...which seems to be what they are.

You're a 19 year old university student, do you eat well or is your diet mainly a pizza/fast food one? Do you drink alcohol regularly, or smoke? I'm not trying to pigeon-hole you or resort to stereotype, but out of everything you talked about, what you eat and drink etc isn't mentioned, and what you put into your body you usually get out of it, a bad diet can affect how your body works...both digestive system and nervous system. Just a thought.


27-05-17, 23:42
[QUOTE=I still Believe;1681743]You mean something else other than everything you've been tested for up until now? Are there any other tests out there? I would say that most of the people on the forum have experienced alot of your anxiety symptoms...which seems to be what they are.

You're a 19 year old university student, do you eat well or is your diet mainly a pizza/fast food one? Do you drink alcohol regularly, or smoke? I'm not trying to pigeon-hole you or resort to stereotype, but out of everything you talked about, what you eat and drink etc isn't mentioned, and what you put into your body you usually get out of it, a bad diet can affect how your body works...both digestive system and nervous system. Just a thought.

I do eat well I think, I am 5'8" and 140 pounds, I am not overweight. I am a smoker, for many years I am smoking a pack + per day. But so have my brothers my father my uncle. No idea why should I feel weak/electric sensations in my head while I go to sleep. Feels like it's gonna explode if I don't open my eyes and move my position. It's quite terrifying as I love sleeping but the last months I cannot enjoy it anymore :/ Doctors seemingly are tired of me, I mean they do talk to me nicely and explain but are so confident that I am healthy. I feel trapped, dark and tired. This Monday I will finally see a therapist, but I am worried that these symptoms may not be caused by anxiety :/

Catherine S
28-05-17, 00:07
Well, I'm not going to blame your smoking because I know that you know all there is to know about it, but although I don't agree with it. ..and a pack + every day is alot, I would stick my neck out and say at 19 your smoking habit probably hasn't done any real damage yet...YET in capital letters. You don't mention alcohol...how much if anything do you drink? Alcohol would cause symptoms of anxiety, or make existing anxiety issues worse even at your age...It will reach the parts that smoking hasn't yet reached..will give you brain zaps to mention just one.

Tomorrow is Sunday, just get through the day and see what the therapist comes up with on Monday, it's all you can do just now really. But you have to be really honest with your therapist. Let us know how you get on though yes?

ISB ☺ x

28-05-17, 00:15
[QUOTE=I still Believe;1681949]Well, I'm not going to blame your smoking because I know that you know all there is to know about it, but although I don't agree with it. ..and a pack + every day is alot, I would stick my neck out and say at 19 your smoking habit probably hasn't done any real damage yet...YET in capital letters. You don't mention alcohol...how much if anything do you drink? Alcohol would cause symptoms of anxiety, or make existing anxiety issues worse even at your age...It will reach the parts that smoking hasn't yet reached..will give you brain zaps to mention just one.

Tomorrow is Sunday, just get through the day and see what the therapist comes up with on Monday, it's all you can do just now really. But you have to be really honest with your therapist. Let us know how you get on though yes?

I really plan on quitting the habit of smoking, I do not wish to be a smoker like my father has been. I have drank alcohol perhaps a total of 5 times in my entire lifetime, the last time being over half a year ago. No weed or any kind of drugs either. For sure I will let you know how it goes, I really hope it's gonna help a lot because I am not able to concentrate on doing anything good for the future, I have a dream of becoming a writer, and I want my writing to be heard worldwide, I really want to focus on this, I do not care about the profits of writing, although I want to be remembered. Having gone through lots of stuff at such a young age probably gave me the idea of being a writer, as I overthink about lots of things, but the worst thing is not being able to focus properly due to the pains/symptoms that I get. Plus the fear of death and not having a future makes achieving my dreams next to impossible.

Catherine S
28-05-17, 00:29
Your description of your personality/character gives some insight into how your mind works, and there are lots of clues there as to the reason for your present mental health state, and this is what is causing your symptoms. Think about it this way...each physical stimulant that ive suggested might be the cause of your symptoms have been crossed off the list, so by process of elimination together with your doctor, its coming down to something your mind is creating in your body.

Never underestimate the power of your mind in controlling you physically, otherwise hypnotists would be out of a job :)

ISB ☺ x

28-05-17, 14:30
[QUOTE=I still Believe;1681953]Your description of your personality/character gives some insight into how your mind works, and there are lots of clues there as to the reason for your present mental health state, and this is what is causing your symptoms. Think about it this way...each physical stimulant that ive suggested might be the cause of your symptoms have been crossed off the list, so by process of elimination together with your doctor, its coming down to something your mind is creating in your body.

Never underestimate the power of your mind in controlling you physically, otherwise hypnotists would be out of a job :)

True. Today woke up and as I kept lying down in bed, those weaknesses appeared, although I realized that my pulse was low and the heartbeats were not as strong, plus I was taking breaths less than usual. Now I am really scared of heart failure or anything similar, I don't want to read further about those, but I am incredibly scared :/

Catherine S
28-05-17, 15:04
Your pulse/heartrate and breathing change with movement, and with inhaling and exhaling. Your heart beats stronger and faster as you inhale and slower and milder as you exhale. This is an actual breathing exercise for people with anxiety... people who live with the tension caused by constant fear.

Anxious people don't use all of their lung space, only the top part which leads to shallower breathing, and this upsets the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in your system, which in turn can make you feel lightheaded and can't get enough air. Some years ago, doctors would tell you to breathe into a paper bag to restore the balance, these days it's breathing exercises. You're 19, why would you think you have heart failure? And if you're googling symptoms then stop, nothing good would come of that.

At this point, even though I said I wouldn't, i'd say lay off the smoking...it can't be helping your anxiety and your breathing at all.