View Full Version : Throat symptoms

27-05-17, 01:07
I've been getting throat symptoms which are a very mild soreness, & an odd feeling of something in my throat, but I have no difficulty swallowing or speaking, no hoarseness or voice change no blood & I looked down my throat with Flashlight & I think the mild soreness may be due to tension as it's not a typical sore throat but more like an ache but mild. This does come & go but is freaking me out & I have severe anxiety to begin with. I'm also noticing a bit of post nasal drip with this. If I could get feedback on this as soon as possible I'd really appreciate it as I'm just getting horrible anxiety over this. Thank You

27-05-17, 01:23
It sounds like post nasal drip is causing soreness. I get this a lot bc I suspect I have allergies (which I never had before). I have had exactly what you're explaining - especially this past winter when I had a really congested nose.

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27-05-17, 01:58
Thank You for your reply. I also seem to have allergies I never had as a kid. I kind of suspect it's allergy/sinus related but out of anxiety begin thinking of tumors or other sinister things. I appreciate your feedback.

27-05-17, 04:42
No problem. Getting allergies jist randomly is really frightening. The crazy symptoms come out of nowhere, and are relentless! Who knew?!?!?

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