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View Full Version : Freckle on upper lip

27-05-17, 16:08
I have a freckle on my upper lip that has gradually been getting bigger. I just noticed it one day, and couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed it up til that point. Now it's ALL I see when I look in the mirror. I always had a freckle there, a normal round brown freckle. Now it's bigger, darker, and not really round, although I wouldn't describe the symmetry as being totally off either. It's measuring approximately 3mm x 4mm. It's all the same colour, it's not raised. I'm going to the GP on Monday. But is it normal for freckles to change like this? I'm fair skinned, brown hair and generally freckly.

28-05-17, 23:46

28-05-17, 23:54
You say you never noticed it before yet it's always been there. I think that says more than any opinion. Let us know what the GP says.

Positive thoughts

29-05-17, 14:20
I have developed this type of thing on my lower lip. Noticed it a few weeks ago. I do not have freckles. Just fair skinned. I wear lipstick as a rule, but stopped to see what becomes of my bottom lip.:shrug:

06-06-17, 19:09
I saw the GP about this. She said it's not cancerous. She agreed it is noticeable, and said I can have it removed if I want, for purely cosmetic reasons. She said to always wear sun screen on it, and to have it checked every once in a while. As I'm fair skinned and freckly, and getting older, she said it's just one of those things. Due to it's positioning, sun screen can often get wiped off after eating or drinking etc, so I just need to be vigilant about reapplying it. It was reassuring that she wasn't concerned. I explained that it had been making me feel anxious, as everytime I looked in the mirror, it was staring back at me. But now I feel completely reassured. I will get it checked every year.

06-06-17, 19:34
Glad you plucked up courage and went to see GP about this. But anxiety has a sneaky habit of chipping away at our confidence so keep working at reducing stress levels. Well done in meantime.