View Full Version : Brain tumor fears

27-05-17, 18:20
This fear has been building up over the last week and tonight I feel at breaking point. I'm so scared I have a brain tumor. I've had pain in my sinuses for well over a week now and an awful headache. If I take any sinus tablets or Iboprofen the pain goes but my head feels full still my ears also feel sore and I feel sick. I know my anxiety isn't helping this but I just want to cry. I can't see my dr for 2 weeks and the surgery is now closed until Tuesday.

I know I'm doing everything I shouldn't by googling and coming on here for reassurance but I'm worried. I thought about calling 111 for some advice but I did that back in January over something else and that made things so much worse.

27-05-17, 18:58
It's pollen season and the weather has been ridiculously hot, my sinuses are really playing up at the min. Drink plenty of water, eat well, rest and stop worrying :)

27-05-17, 19:01
Thank you for replying. I've never had hay fever before do you think its possible to suddenly get it in your 30s?

27-05-17, 19:07
Definitely. I don't remember having it all my life. I don't get the classic symptoms described in tv adverts etc. Like sneezing and itchy eyes. Mine feels like a bad cold and sinus pains. Oh and blocked ears cough etc. Anxiety will make it worse so try to relax. Easier said than done I know :)

27-05-17, 19:16
Definitely. I don't remember having it all my life. I don't get the classic symptoms described in tv adverts etc. Like sneezing and itchy eyes. Mine feels like a bad cold and sinus pains. Oh and blocked ears cough etc. Anxiety will make it worse so try to relax. Easier said than done I know :)

Thank you that's what mine is like having a head cold but no runny nose it fees like the pressure would go if I could just clear my head. My partner is going away all week and I'm so worried somethings going to happen while I'm looking after our daughter on my own. I really want to be a good mum but go into panic mode over every little thing

27-05-17, 19:42
I'm sure you'll be fine. How old is your daughter?

27-05-17, 19:49
She is 6 and absolutely amazing :)

27-05-17, 19:55
Ooh lovely, half term then. Have a lovely week you two :hugs:

27-05-17, 20:00
Thank you. I'm going to drink more tomorrow and try some Piriton to see if that helps

27-05-17, 20:11
Have a word with the chemist and see what they say. Obviously I'm not a doctor :D but it sounds exactly how pollen affects me. Enjoy your week :)

27-05-17, 20:32
Thank you I've calmed down now and had a Hot water bottle on the back of my neck and I feel loads better

27-05-17, 20:43

27-05-17, 21:07
I had sinusitis for three whole weeks recently. I totally thought I had a brain tumour and panicked, especially since I was waking up with a headache. But it was, in fact, just sinusitis. Apparently brain tumour headaches do not respond to painkillers. It's hard, but try not to worry. It sounds like classic sinusitis x

27-05-17, 21:11
I had sinusitis for three whole weeks recently. I totally thought I had a brain tumour and panicked, especially since I was waking up with a headache. But it was, in fact, just sinusitis. Apparently brain tumour headaches do not respond to painkillers. It's hard, but try not to worry. It sounds like classic sinusitis x

Thank you for replying I try to tell myself if it was a brain tumor a hot water bottle wouldn't ease the pain but when it's hurting all day it's hard to be logical

27-05-17, 21:16
Just to back up the pollen/sinuses theory....

I lived in Southern NJ most of my life. Suffered allergies as well since I was a child (Allergy shots etc.). I was doing pretty good with all of that until 2005 when I moved to Virginia. I moved to the Shenandoah Valley so there's mountains all around. Essentially I live in a big bowl that allows pollen and other allergens to settle in. My allergies have been crap since then. I take an OTC Zrytec as does my wife. The symptoms you describe are no different than I experienced. The only difference is that I didn't assume brain tumor ;)

Positive thoughts

27-05-17, 21:49
If you would have a brain tumor, the pain wouldn't go away with ibuprofen.(at least that's what my doctor told me).
You can get headaches for a lot of reasons: clenching your teeth, straining your eyes, stress, being hungry and not eating .
I also think that your other symptoms sound like allergies.

28-05-17, 18:13
Hi all not been on here for a long time!
I started having headaches 2 weeks ago was originally a migraine from lack of sleep but has been around ever since. Se days needing medication some days not. The last 5 days or so it's really started messing with my anxiety convinced it must be a tumor symptoms are

Headaches pressure throbbing worse whenover standing bend. Funny feeling in my ears like they need to pop bit whooshy in sound. Pulsating in head and sometimes in eyed too. Back of neck n head feel really heavy like I need to turn my head all the way round. Spoke to my Dr n asked if was a tumor he replied it's highly unlikely but won't dismiss it n wants to see me in a month. In addition I have polycistic overies and just had a 5 week 3 day period which had now stoppedal via med.
34 with 3 kids have been working 2 jobs but left my last job Thursday 25th and now going on to work full time

Any help or advice or anyone suffering the same would need appreciated

29-05-17, 17:31
Doesn't sound like a brain tumor, sounds more like allergies or a sinus infection.

My grandmother had brain cancer, she had a very deadly and aggressive form of brain cancer, one day she was at the grocery store and completely forgot where she was although she went to that same store for years, luckily she remembered my moms phone number and was able to contact her, eventually her mind got so bad she couldn't remember much at all and eventually rarely stayed awake, and she never mentioned any headaches, she later became unconscious for the rest of her journey which I think was best so she didn't have to worry with the illness anymore, she later passed away peacefully. Im telling you this story to show you that your story sounds nothing like brain cancer. Good luck.