View Full Version : Scared of Brain Tumour

27-05-17, 19:36
For the past 3 months I've been suffering from ear aches and ear issues. I've been on medication a couple of times but it hasn't helped.

The past week or so I've been having dull aches in my head all over not just in one place. It feels like it's to do with my ears but it's all round my head like pressure. When I bend down or sneeze or shout I feel the pressure worse than usual and I googled brain tumour symptoms and this was one of them. I haven't been feeling sick or having seizures or anything but I am terrified that it's a tumour. Has anyone else has these symptoms?

27-05-17, 19:45
Sounds like sinus issues

27-05-17, 19:51
Have the same stuff going on. Especially the ear. Sinus seems most plausible.

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27-05-17, 19:57
And it's pollen season which always affects my sinuses :weep:

30-05-17, 18:11
Seems like sinus issues, I actually ended up getting an eye test because I was so scared about a tumour at one point, for peace of mind, oh and to actually see properly too.