View Full Version : Fear of hot weather

27-05-17, 19:59
Hi, I notice that I have developed a severe anxiety for hot weather (aestophobia) over the last years. I think this has to to with my anxiety/panic disorder, which is always worse during summertime; probably because I have more physical sensations (like dizziness, weakness, increased heart rate, and so on). It is also exaggerated as I have hypotension. I create anticipatory anxiety when I know that the weather will be hot in the next days. But the actual hot days are absolutely the worse and I can only sit or lay down and not go outside (agoraphobia gets worse; also because of the intensity of the sunlight). I feel like I am about to faint all of the time; it has become completely obsessive. The anxiety usually subsides during nighttime.

As a child I used to enjoy summer, sunlight and hot weather; I liked any weather type really, but now in May I am already longing for Fall and each day hoping that it will be cloudy/rainy. This does not feel right. Any people with similar anxiety and tips? Much appreciated :)

27-05-17, 20:04
I really haven't given the weather much thought other then it has done nothing but rain here for the last 8 days! Maybe talk to your doctor about getting treatment of the hypotension? Once the physical problem is taken care of maybe your thoughts will straighten out.

28-05-17, 10:00
Depressive longs for the sunlight to pump up the endorphins, so you have a weird phobia, try an OCD med may just shift your thinking

29-05-17, 02:27
Apple you gave literally just described me. I am overweight and whenever there is a forecast for super hot weather well super hot for the uk anyway. Days before, during and after my anxiety is through the roof. Panic attacks and everything.

Just like you I used to love the summer. I'd be out all day or laying in the garden. In a beer garden, enjoying myself. Now on hot days I sit in home with the blinds shut fans on drinking literally a bucket full of ice cold water and every so often cover my hair and face in cold water. I feel your pain. You're not alone.

29-05-17, 10:02
Apple you gave literally just described me. I am overweight and whenever there is a forecast for super hot weather well super hot for the uk anyway. Days before, during and after my anxiety is through the roof. Panic attacks and everything.

Just like you I used to love the summer. I'd be out all day or laying in the garden. In a beer garden, enjoying myself. Now on hot days I sit in home with the blinds shut fans on drinking literally a bucket full of ice cold water and every so often cover my hair and face in cold water. I feel your pain. You're not alone.
your problem is your overweight, and you see the summer cloths and the slim bodies and you feel even bigger, Whats to stop you dropping the weight then all will be back to normal.:wall:

29-05-17, 14:14
I do not like the sun at all. Used to love the sun when I was younger.
I cannot function the same when the weather is hot., and cannot bear to sit outside. May it would be better for me at the seaside.
Nothing to do with what weight one carries I can assure you braindead.

29-05-17, 17:21
I agree with Magic; my BMI is within normal range (lower end) and still I have many physical sensations due to the hot weather, which will increase anxiety -> more sensations -> more anxiety ... and so on.
It might seem contradictory as you hear mostly about people getting depressed/anxious during wintertime, but there are many people as well whose anxiety and depression will get worse during summer due to the weather, the intensity of the sunlight, possibly in combination with social factors for some.

29-05-17, 18:22
I do not like the sun at all. Used to love the sun when I was younger.
I cannot function the same when the weather is hot., and cannot bear to sit outside. May it would be better for me at the seaside.
Nothing to do with what weight one carries I can assure you braindead.

she wrote she is overweight people in skimpy clothes when you have to cover your body i answered the post has i though. Are you overweight to???? if not how do you no how she feels, :whistles:

30-05-17, 12:06
Hi braindead, Answer to your question. No I am not overweight, or am I thin. I cannot stand sunlight. I wear tinted glasses, I have no skimpy clothes either. but never the less I do stay out of the sun as much as I can. My ideal day is like today. No Sun. When the sun goes down I can sit outside.
I have HA. some days better than others. Worse in the sun.
I have an idea how the above members feel, they feel like me, and I don't want any sort of treatment to alter the fact. I have never been abroad either, so I don't know howI would cope with that if I went.
Tips-----Wear loose clothing, and a summer hat, plenty of sun cream. Ice cold water.
That's all I can say:shades:

30-05-17, 18:20
Hi braindead, Answer to your question. No I am not overweight, or am I thin. I cannot stand sunlight. I wear tinted glasses, I have no skimpy clothes either. but never the less I do stay out of the sun as much as I can. My ideal day is like today. No Sun. When the sun goes down I can sit outside.
I have HA. some days better than others. Worse in the sun.
I have an idea how the above members feel, they feel like me, and I don't want any sort of treatment to alter the fact. I have never been abroad either, so I don't know howI would cope with that if I went.
Tips-----Wear loose clothing, and a summer hat, plenty of sun cream. Ice cold water.
That's all I can say:shades:
I was quoting the thread writer not you babe , depressives get ill in winter
, called winter blues, we hate Christmas too. there is a clue on a rainy dull day and people say what a depressing day, sun boost endorphins the feel good factor:bighug1:

21-05-18, 18:26
Hello, I suffer from aestophobia, too. Last few years I've been feeling very anxious, from May to the end of August. During those months, my symptoms (feeling dizzy, nauseous, overthinking...) increase and I find it very hard to go outside, since I have agoraphobia.
I know this topic is a little bit old, but if someone can give me some advice, how to cope with those symptoms? I have emetophobia, so feeling nauseous is my biggest problem.

21-05-18, 18:47
I didn’t know this was a thing!! I dread the really hot & humid weather too.
I have asthma so it can affect my breathing - which makes anxiety worse too.

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that every fear has a name - and that someone else has it too! You’re rarely unique with anxiety are you [emoji3]

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---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:45 ----------

Hello, I suffer from aestophobia, too. Last few years I've been feeling very anxious, from May to the end of August. During those months, my symptoms (feeling dizzy, nauseous, overthinking...) increase and I find it very hard to go outside, since I have agoraphobia.

I know this topic is a little bit old, but if someone can give me some advice, how to cope with those symptoms? I have emetophobia, so feeling nauseous is my biggest problem.

But sorry, I didn’t give you advice.
Keep cool! Wear cotton, flowing clothes. Keep hydrated with water not alcohol or caffeine or sugary drinks. Get a little personal fan, keep a cool spray bottle of water near you. Take cold showers... there are lots of things you can do to keep cool. But also lots of things you can do to help your anxiety- try both x

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04-11-21, 20:18
Well as it's almost the winter now at least here in the UK and Ireland, those who have mega aversion to hot sunny weather can now chill out a bit (no pun intended) and make the most of it up until about the end of March at the earliest!

04-11-21, 23:48
I used to love going to the beach and lying in the sun for hours when I was a kid but now if it's 30C I start to panic and turn the air con on.
The humidity here in northern QLD doesn't help as I have a fear of sweating too.