View Full Version : Major anxiety or underlying issue? Help?

28-05-17, 03:30
Hi, my name is Jon and I'm 23. I have been through this forum for literally 24/7 now as my anxiety levels are over the top now. I don't know if I post in the right section but here goes anyway. I'm sure not a whole lot of ppl may reply or read as there being countless of other posts similar to what I'm going to write but I would really want to know if there could be anyone that could reassure me in my specific symptoms. May be a long post but here goes.

Latley I've been experiencing panic attacks ( I assume and hope). It all started one day (probably last day I ever felt normal) when all of a sudden I got this intense fear I was about to pass out which terrifies me. So when that happens I always run to bathroom and splash cold water in my face and say oh shit I'm about to faint. My face got numb a couple of times and it ended like that. Well I.thought it would be a one-time thing so I said OK that was odd and went on with my day. A couple of days later I get it again this time more intense where I literally thought my breathing was off and had to wake my mom and I was literally thinking these were going to be my last moment and almost made a ER trip but calmed down.

Ever since having those attacks I began to realize it could be panic attacks after of course reassuring my self on this helpful forum. The thing is I can.never bring myself to think it's anxiety because I always have a gut feeling something is seriously physically wrong with me. Eventually the panics came less often but I became feeling so ill and different.

Fast forward to this week I seriously think I may be a goner and it's depressing me and raising my anxiety level higher day by day. I was never type of guy to cry but this makes me wanna go curl up somewhere and cry for days. From the time I wake up I feel like everyday is going to be my last and just waiting for something to happen that I even picture myself dead. I've always experienced anxiety in my life and had my share of depression but this is so extreme that I don't know anymore.
To give insight on my current anxiety here are my symptoms:
-Literally light headed 24/7
-Have this overwhelming fear that I'm going to die( most severe)
- Absolutely no appetite I have to force down calorie drinks I also get lightheaded and sooo tired and it triggers a panic and can't even finish sometimes. I been to urgent care here and got ekg and blood test and was negative. So can't be diabetic.
- Been getting such a weird taste Latley like copper or metallic- concerns me
- my vision is sooo unexplainable sometimes or most times. I can read up close on my screen but the distant is a little blurry and my eyes feel weird like focus wise it's like it takes a split second to look in direction I want to look at.
- I don't feel myself like I'm in a buzz state and my brain fog is making hard to think and it's a little struggle to think what to type now. I look at my surroundings and I think am I in this setting?
-Kinda forget small things
-I seem to shake like I'm nervous alot
-been having sensations of a thud or internal hiccup in middle of my chest sometimes involuntarily and sometimes if I bend or inhale once in a while
- Oh yeah didn't mention an intense fear of doom?...oh yeah I did that's how bad it is.
So yesterday I went to a family care doctor and they checked my BP which is fine and listened to my heart and had a long explanation of my symptoms and I also wanted further testing like mri but he said he has gut feeling it's all anxiety so he schedule me for a thyroid test later. The moment I walked out the office I felt really good and myself after being reassured it's anxiety but bad feeling ultimately returned later that day. I'm lightheaded everyday.
I'm now at a point where I'm afraid to sleep because I keep getting visions that I would stop breathing in my sleep or have some disorder like sleep apnea.
I always suffered from sleep paralysis ever since growing up so it doesn't concern me but early this morning when I finally did manage some sleep I was paralyzed and I felt pressure on my chest which awake me I assume but I guess briefly as it happened again and I said oh shit wtf just.happened. I usually have to shake or "twitch" myself free.
All these scenarios are going thru my head 24/7 that what if I got sleep apnea and what if I stopped breathing in my sleep and the oxygen is damaging my brain which in turn is making me lightheaded 24/7 and brain fog. Or some other disease of out of 100 sleep disorders? Did I suffer any heart damage? I'm scared shitless now.. Sleep was all I had left. Idk it's so bad I feel like I want to stay awake until maybe get a sleep study but that's unrealistic. Could the doctors miss something? Should I go to the ER? If so what tests should be performed specific to my symptoms? But the thing that happen in my sleep has got me shook up as if I wasn't already anxious and worried 24/7. I don't want to die. Sorry for long post. Can anyone give me any reassurance? I'm at a real lost I'm even shaking a little now thinking about it. I feel so ill and weak and tired but now sleep on frightening me. Could anxiety really cause these symptoms?? I have family history but it's so bad I still think I have something worse. Anyways, thanks to those that read and reply.

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28-05-17, 04:05
Yes, I think anxiety can cause those symptoms. From what I understand you started feeling sick after the panic attacks, not before. Right?
The same thing happened to me at the beginning of this year. I was normal and feeling great then I got crippling anxiety and my health started to go downhill. I was getting a lot of weird GI problems. I calmed down for a while and my tummy troubles got better then I got anxiety again and i got the same symptoms. I was also having brain fog and i was forgetting a lot of things but it stopped after a while.
Try to focus on something else for a while. I had extreme health anxiety before, when I was in collage and it stopped when I was stressed by the exam.

28-05-17, 04:12
Yes, I think anxiety can cause those symptoms. From what I understand you started feeling sick after the panic attacks, not before. Right?
The same thing happened to me at the beginning of this year. I was normal and feeling great then I got crippling anxiety and my health started to go downhill. I was getting a lot of weird GI problems. I calmed down for a while and my tummy troubles got better then I got anxiety again and i got the same symptoms. I was also having brain fog and i was forgetting a lot of things but it stopped after a while.
Try to focus on something else for a while. I had extreme health anxiety before, when I was in collage and it stopped when I was stressed by the exam.
Yes. It just started one day with my first attack. I just keep finding it hard to believe but everyone says severe anxiety. It overwhelms me knowing there's thousands of illnesses and I don't even have idea where to look. It sucks. I got ekg done so I hope if I had any heart problems it would pick up something. Then when I find solution to one symptom I start wondering about another. Neverending cycle.

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28-05-17, 04:19
It overwhelms me knowing there's thousands of illnesses and I don't even have idea where to look. It sucks.
This is actually very good. Don't even try to look, you're gonna make it 10 times worse. Trust me and trust the doctors. I don't think they're missing anything and I don't think you're the first patient with HA that they had

28-05-17, 04:33
This is actually very good. Don't even try to look, you're gonna make it 10 times worse. Trust me and trust the doctors. I don't think they're missing anything and I don't think you're the first patient with HA that they had
Thanks for your reply. Yeah I notice after looking up a article about certain illness I start to feel the" fog of Doom" get heavy and I start to get the shakes. So I try my best not to research. It's like when I see someone with certain condition I start to experience their symptoms and here comes the self diagnosing. Even just the thought of going to the ER makes me feel a little better I guess as it makes me think I got an escape route. I feel like I'm in a nightmare. My perception is so gloomy only comfort I had was in my bed now after last night I'm nervous. I mean if I did have a heart attack wouldn't my chest hurt alot after waking? Sleep paralysis doesn't scare me as it was lifelong but researching apnea was biggest mistake of my life lol

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28-05-17, 05:04
Thank you for writing all of your symptoms down. I've experienced all of yours, except the sleep stuff.
Anxiety causes all of this AND MORE! It sounds like it's taking over your thoughts.
Trust the doctors. I know that's easier said than done.
Do you know what may have caused the initial panic attack? Particularly stressful time? Relationship problems? Family issues? Etc etc? What was happening around that time?

This is something you will have to overcome with will power. Going to the ER, Urgent care, the drs...its all feeding the disease.

Have you ever done yoga? Meditation? Gym work outs? Exercise definitely helps. Even just starting with a short walk each day.
I'm sorry you're going through all this.
Also, sleep apnea isn't as bad as it sounds. My husband has had it for over 5 years and is ok. Just not super restful sleep.

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28-05-17, 05:21
Thanks. I thought I had my depression under control that's only thing I can think of at the moment. So maybe it was the building of that and anxiety bottled up. Right now I been unemployed unfortunately but it still hit me out of nowhere. Even times when I think I'm not anxious I still feel jittery.

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28-05-17, 06:56
That is one of the worst things about anxiety to me. You don't actually FEEL nervous or anxious all the time. It's sneaky. The hormones our body produces when we go into the fight or flight reaction (anxiety) can linger in our bodies and trigger these ongoing issues.
Maybe your depression is creeping back. Being unemployed can definitely be stressful if it is causing financial stress and burden.
It's obvious to me that you are suffering from anxiety, and not an underlying health issue. You're definitely going to live!
I say this for the both of us- finding ways to relax and relieve the overload of hormones is going to be key. Activities that burn cortisol and adrenaline are
Hot baths
Yoga and meditation
Enjoyable music (bonus points for singing along LOUDLY to faves. Truly this works. Singing stimulates the vagus nerve, which is in large part responsible for helping to relieve anxiety).
Dancing around in a room by yourself (same idea)

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28-05-17, 07:36
That is one of the worst things about anxiety to me. You don't actually FEEL nervous or anxious all the time. It's sneaky. The hormones our body produces when we go into the fight or flight reaction (anxiety) can linger in our bodies and trigger these ongoing issues.
Maybe your depression is creeping back. Being unemployed can definitely be stressful if it is causing financial stress and burden.
It's obvious to me that you are suffering from anxiety, and not an underlying health issue. You're definitely going to live!
I say this for the both of us- finding ways to relax and relieve the overload of hormones is going to be key. Activities that burn cortisol and adrenaline are
Hot baths
Yoga and meditation
Enjoyable music (bonus points for singing along LOUDLY to faves. Truly this works. Singing stimulates the vagus nerve, which is in large part responsible for helping to relieve anxiety).
Dancing around in a room by yourself (same idea)

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I thank you melonpony. Yeah I really understand what you're saying it's just hard when the irrational thoughts start to invade. I actually try to do something physical sometimes and it helps but a few times I get so lightheaded and weak I had to come inside and sit for a while as the panic ran it's course. It's like no escape even when you're sitting grabbing onto something like a pillow. Ugh I honestly would rather feel physical pain than mental pain you can always put ice on a sprained ankle but anxiety...nope.

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28-05-17, 16:13
Thats true about the physical versus mental. Plus the anxiety gets scary, anticipating when it might strike again. Which produces more anxiety. It's really one of the hardest things to overcome. I've had it for w years now, and it's been extremely limiting. :(

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01-06-17, 10:27
Thats true about the physical versus mental. Plus the anxiety gets scary, anticipating when it might strike again. Which produces more anxiety. It's really one of the hardest things to overcome. I've had it for w years now, and it's been extremely limiting. :(

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I've been having the worst time last few days. Is it normal to feel soo groggy and confused like I'm sedated almost everyday? Like my head seems like it's not getting enough oxygen it's so light. All doctors keep saying anxiety but it's so hard to believe when you feel this way when you wasn't even anxious in first place. Also my vision seems to be a little more blurry in distance. I'll admit I'm not sleeping alot either. I'm literally freaking out thinking something bad is going to happen soon..

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01-06-17, 15:25
It does sound like anxiety plus sleep deprivation. I'm worried about you. Do you do anything fun? Who do you see on a daily basis? Friends or family?

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01-06-17, 16:32
It does sound like anxiety plus sleep deprivation. I'm worried about you. Do you do anything fun? Who do you see on a daily basis? Friends or family?

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I'm usually at home while my mom works. So you think somethings wrong? That kind of scared me. I hope it's anxiety I really do.

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01-06-17, 16:38
No, nothing is wrong except IMO isolation. You're alone too much. You need to start getting out of the house. This will start to get rid of the anxiety

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01-06-17, 17:14
No, nothing is wrong except IMO isolation. You're alone too much. You need to start getting out of the house. This will start to get rid of the anxiety

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Yes I know. I need too. But honestly is anxiety and stress this powerful to make you feel this way? Like you got some bad disease? I hope it doesn't get worse. I hate feeling this way. Have you experienced the same confusion and sedated feeling along with slightly blurry eyes? Thanks again.

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01-06-17, 17:21
Yes. It got so bad I wouldn't leave the house. I was even too afraid to even walk to the mailbox to get the mail. Luckily for me, I was forced to get over it bc I have 2 small kids that need to go do things. Otherwise I would have spiralled worse.
I got my eyes checked twice and they're fine. Blurry is an odd normal anxiety thing. Our eyes are muscles too.

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01-06-17, 20:00
Yes. It got so bad I wouldn't leave the house. I was even too afraid to even walk to the mailbox to get the mail. Luckily for me, I was forced to get over it bc I have 2 small kids that need to go do things. Otherwise I would have spiralled worse.
I got my eyes checked twice and they're fine. Blurry is an odd normal anxiety thing. Our eyes are muscles too.

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Thanks so much for reassurance. Anxiety is scary very scary. I feel very numb mentally and partly physically.

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01-06-17, 20:26
It sucks. I hate it. Right now, my left side of my head feels numb, my teeth and gums feel sore, and I have one sided temple headache. I have chest pain, and jaw pain. I feel like I might die at any time!!!! Its like, JUST STOP, PLEASE!

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02-06-17, 01:24
Hi, my name is Jon and I'm 23. I have been through this forum for literally 24/7 now as my anxiety levels are over the top now. I don't know if I post in the right section but here goes anyway. I'm sure not a whole lot of ppl may reply or read as there being countless of other posts similar to what I'm going to write but I would really want to know if there could be anyone that could reassure me in my specific symptoms. May be a long post but here goes.

Latley I've been experiencing panic attacks ( I assume and hope). It all started one day (probably last day I ever felt normal) when all of a sudden I got this intense fear I was about to pass out which terrifies me. So when that happens I always run to bathroom and splash cold water in my face and say oh shit I'm about to faint. My face got numb a couple of times and it ended like that. Well I.thought it would be a one-time thing so I said OK that was odd and went on with my day. A couple of days later I get it again this time more intense where I literally thought my breathing was off and had to wake my mom and I was literally thinking these were going to be my last moment and almost made a ER trip but calmed down.

Ever since having those attacks I began to realize it could be panic attacks after of course reassuring my self on this helpful forum. The thing is I can.never bring myself to think it's anxiety because I always have a gut feeling something is seriously physically wrong with me. Eventually the panics came less often but I became feeling so ill and different.

Fast forward to this week I seriously think I may be a goner and it's depressing me and raising my anxiety level higher day by day. I was never type of guy to cry but this makes me wanna go curl up somewhere and cry for days. From the time I wake up I feel like everyday is going to be my last and just waiting for something to happen that I even picture myself dead. I've always experienced anxiety in my life and had my share of depression but this is so extreme that I don't know anymore.
To give insight on my current anxiety here are my symptoms:
-Literally light headed 24/7
-Have this overwhelming fear that I'm going to die( most severe)
- Absolutely no appetite I have to force down calorie drinks I also get lightheaded and sooo tired and it triggers a panic and can't even finish sometimes. I been to urgent care here and got ekg and blood test and was negative. So can't be diabetic.
- Been getting such a weird taste Latley like copper or metallic- concerns me
- my vision is sooo unexplainable sometimes or most times. I can read up close on my screen but the distant is a little blurry and my eyes feel weird like focus wise it's like it takes a split second to look in direction I want to look at.
- I don't feel myself like I'm in a buzz state and my brain fog is making hard to think and it's a little struggle to think what to type now. I look at my surroundings and I think am I in this setting?
-Kinda forget small things
-I seem to shake like I'm nervous alot
-been having sensations of a thud or internal hiccup in middle of my chest sometimes involuntarily and sometimes if I bend or inhale once in a while
- Oh yeah didn't mention an intense fear of doom?...oh yeah I did that's how bad it is.
So yesterday I went to a family care doctor and they checked my BP which is fine and listened to my heart and had a long explanation of my symptoms and I also wanted further testing like mri but he said he has gut feeling it's all anxiety so he schedule me for a thyroid test later. The moment I walked out the office I felt really good and myself after being reassured it's anxiety but bad feeling ultimately returned later that day. I'm lightheaded everyday.
I'm now at a point where I'm afraid to sleep because I keep getting visions that I would stop breathing in my sleep or have some disorder like sleep apnea.
I always suffered from sleep paralysis ever since growing up so it doesn't concern me but early this morning when I finally did manage some sleep I was paralyzed and I felt pressure on my chest which awake me I assume but I guess briefly as it happened again and I said oh shit wtf just.happened. I usually have to shake or "twitch" myself free.
All these scenarios are going thru my head 24/7 that what if I got sleep apnea and what if I stopped breathing in my sleep and the oxygen is damaging my brain which in turn is making me lightheaded 24/7 and brain fog. Or some other disease of out of 100 sleep disorders? Did I suffer any heart damage? I'm scared shitless now.. Sleep was all I had left. Idk it's so bad I feel like I want to stay awake until maybe get a sleep study but that's unrealistic. Could the doctors miss something? Should I go to the ER? If so what tests should be performed specific to my symptoms? But the thing that happen in my sleep has got me shook up as if I wasn't already anxious and worried 24/7. I don't want to die. Sorry for long post. Can anyone give me any reassurance? I'm at a real lost I'm even shaking a little now thinking about it. I feel so ill and weak and tired but now sleep on frightening me. Could anxiety really cause these symptoms?? I have family history but it's so bad I still think I have something worse. Anyways, thanks to those that read and reply.

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Hey emfast this sounds like textbook health anxiety when I first started to have my panic attacks I felt exactly like you did, paralyzed in the night with pressure on my chest and un able to eat or digest any foods. This is when I had to take things into my own hands I cut anything that would stimulate my brain including sugar or diet drinks such as diet coke because the sweetener aspertain is really horrible for panic attacks. Also when I went to sleep I would watch something that would calm me down such as starwars because I knew the movie so well and research shows the brain finds comfort in repetition. So I would literally watch the same thing every night untill I fell asleep.
I feel for you because that was the most horrible time in my. If you want to get better you will trust me it's hard but you can do it and we are all here to listen to any concerns good luck 😊

02-06-17, 01:51
Hey emfast this sounds like textbook health anxiety when I first started to have my panic attacks I felt exactly like you did, paralyzed in the night with pressure on my chest and un able to eat or digest any foods. This is when I had to take things into my own hands I cut anything that would stimulate my brain including sugar or diet drinks such as diet coke because the sweetener aspertain is really horrible for panic attacks. Also when I went to sleep I would watch something that would calm me down such as starwars because I knew the movie so well and research shows the brain finds comfort in repetition. So I would literally watch the same thing every night untill I fell asleep.
I feel for you because that was the most horrible time in my. If you want to get better you will trust me it's hard but you can do it and we are all here to listen to any concerns good luck 😊
Thanks Kez. It's just so hopeless feeling. I keep getting uncomfortable symptoms and begging to get tests done. I always wonder why me? How did you overcome Yours? I feel I will never get let out of this threshold.

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