View Full Version : RMSF

28-05-17, 03:46
Hiking with family today and ticks were terrible. I have NEVER seen so many in one hike. I pulled multiple off my kid's, but many husband and I both wound up with two attached. They were dog ticks, so now I'm terrified of getting Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
I know the odds are in my favor and it's uncommon, but when does that matter with anxiety?
Thoughts and encouragement appreciated.

28-05-17, 04:04
Bing, I don't know anything about it. I've never known anyone that had it and we have lots of ticks here.
Is it something common or easily contracted?

28-05-17, 04:51
Bing, I don't know anything about it. I've never known anyone that had it and we have lots of ticks here.
Is it something common or easily contracted?

According to your CDC it has risen from 2 in 1 million people to 6 in 1 million people in the last decade but serious incidents have continued to decrease (0.5 in 1 million people) which I assume suggests better treatment & awareness.

It seems a couple of thousand a year get it.

Even if symptoms are spotted, the odds are most definitely on the side of successful treatment. And since the majority of states saw incidents at the peak in 2010, it shows how uncommon it Is not only in the figures but in how It's unknown (can't remember ever seeing a thread about it on here, which is a good indicator with all the rare stuff that comes up! )

They mentioned it's recorded as Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis a of 2010 so maybe that rings rings a bell, Nancy?

28-05-17, 09:34
I can see threads,Think I have Lyme Disease starting up.
I have only heard of "Rocky Mountain High"the song.:)
