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View Full Version : My pulse seems to slow

07-05-07, 01:31
I took some propranolol 5 hours ago and now i'm stressing that my heart is beating too slow... my pulse rate is 60 bpm at it's maximum and it was lower when i was lying down trying to sleep... i'm paranoid it's just going to stop all together...
I wish i could sleep bcos i have to be up for work tomorrow... but i'm scared i won't wake up again if i go to sleep...

07-05-07, 02:14
It's quite normal for your pulse to slow after taking medication like that. I'm on lorazepam (AKA Ativan) personally, and when I take it my heart-rate tends to slow. I know this can be frightening, but it's not going to hurt you. For me, when the panic attacks started out my heart would race - after getting on the medication it seems to slow down, whether I'm panicking or not, some times just the slowness of it can make me very uncomfortable.

My suggestion to you is to find a way to stop thinking about it - easier said than done. However, if you have a hobby, if you like to read, or play games, or whatever, it can help distract you for a time so you aren't constantly obsessing about it.

Good luck and God bless you,


07-05-07, 08:02
Hi there

If it's any help i take 160mg of propranolol every day and have done for the past 8/9 years.

please don't worry, this is only just doing it's job and honestly your heart wont stop............... please believe me:)

07-05-07, 10:51
Try not to worry Spiral :)

Thats how propranolol works, by slowing the heart down. My resting heartbeat is 58bpm without betablockers, I take Betablockers for attacks (as needed) and my bpm can drop to 54.

P.S. hiya david chap, long time no see :)



07-05-07, 13:36
Well, I don't think that sounds too slow to me. I have a problem with frequent ectopics and racing heartbeat. When I had 7-day heart monitor my heart rate varied from 46 bpm to 154bpm. Don't think I did any exercise either as I am too scared to do that. The cardiologist was not at all worried by this range. Of course I was! But for him it is an acceptable variation of a normal heart.

Does this help?

07-05-07, 18:49
yes, unsuprisingly it didnt stop while i was asleep :)
thanks for replying to my paranoid post:yesyes:

08-05-07, 09:57

I also worry that my pulse is too slow. My resting pulse rate (when I am sitting on the sofa) is about 57. I spoke to a cardiac nurse with 20 years experience and she said this is a sign of a healthy heart and that olympic athletes can have a resting pulse of just 40 bpm. So please don't worry.

...so I wonder why I cannot then reassure myself about this!!!!!!!!...:wacko:

08-05-07, 23:32
Im a 52 year old man and my pulse stays somewhere around oh.. 65 most of the time and at night its gone as low as 50 or so..and well im suppose to be ok..its like your heart has a mind of its on.I have been told that its a good thing if your heart beats slow..means you are in good shape and your body isnt draining your heart or strength..

Most atheletic people try to get their heart rates below 50 and stay there and well if yours is low then its probably because you are in great shape ..now if it goes below say 50 down to about in the 40's I might say to get it checked out but hey im 52 with a 65 heart rate..Scarry yes but been told wonderful by doctors and nurses so well.. I think its ok..but if you are worried maybe you should have it checked out.. But really I dont think you should be concerned..