View Full Version : Hemorrhoid and hard lump

28-05-17, 04:38
A week ago I went to a proctologist for bleeding hemorrhoids....he did a flexible sigmoidoscopy and he did say he saw internal hemorrhoids and one had prolapsed. I opted to not do anything about them. He confirmed the bleeding was from them and wasn't concerned. I've had them for years and they are always there but don't bother me much. Sorry for TMI but yesterday I pushed the one back inside and felt a tiny size lump inside the more softer hemorrhoid lump. I had a recent flare up but has gotten smaller and less painful. However, I'm worried it may be anal cancer. Since I just had a thorough exam by a proctologist wouldn't he check for anal cancer?

28-05-17, 04:55
He may not be specifically looking for signs of anal cancer but in performing that test he really wouldn't have missed it. If he had any doubt, he would be testing further.

28-05-17, 05:06
Thanks for putting into perspective