View Full Version : Struggling in life

28-05-17, 08:30
Hi guys my names Kez i have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for nearly 3 years now, ok so at this current point in time im done im so over feeling terrified 90 percent of the time. I have an awesome family and partner but unless you go through it you can never understand the fear of anxiety. Anxiety has destroyed my life, panic has become my horrible best friend.... I wake up every morning and i pray that today will be a good day but it usually never is. The best way i can describe it is feeling like you are so terrified to die but at the same time not really wanting to be here either.
The last few days i have been dealing with dizziness which is a new one for me, i know this is a symptom of my anxiety but yet it scares the crap out of me. I dont know where to go from here anymore :( Sooooo i figured what the hell im going to join a forum with people who struggle like me. Anyways thanks for listening and it feels nice to get some stuff off my chest.

28-05-17, 08:43
Hiya KezNZ and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Bike Rider
28-05-17, 10:34
Hi Kez.

There are a few on here that understand what you are going through, me included.

Just over 3 yrs for me, but my meds have made a big improvement to my life. Also occupying your mind somehow helps too.

Are you on any meds? do anything to try to help it, meditation, yoga etc.

But what ever, keep chatting to us and take care.

28-05-17, 15:10
Hi Kez. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

28-05-17, 23:32
Hey guys thanks for responding, sometimes it's just nice to know you have been heard. I am currently on no medication I was on citalopram and decided I didn't need it anymore (stupidddd) I tend to get like that as soon as I start to feel better I stop doing everything that made me feel better lol. I will be going back to see my GP this week and get back on my meds. And I'm sure as many of us know the first couple weeks on citalopram are the worst. So wish me luck ����

Bike Rider
29-05-17, 13:34
Hi Kez. It may not be as bad as you think, I started on Cit and the side effects were not too bad, feeling tired was the worse. I changed to Fluoxetine to try and get a lift from them and they have worked, but I am down a little at the moment so I may need an increase.

Good luck, keep chatting.

01-06-17, 00:38
Hi Kez. It may not be as bad as you think, I started on Cit and the side effects were not too bad, feeling tired was the worse. I changed to Fluoxetine to try and get a lift from them and they have worked, but I am down a little at the moment so I may need an increase.

Good luck, keep chatting.
Thanks bike rider sometimes everything in my life is scary even going back onto medication that I know will help me. I hate the feeling of having to rely on a pill every morning it makes me feel weak even though I know taking something you need doesn't make you weak in any way shape or form. If I was to give others advice in the same situation I would tell them to get back on there meds and I wouldn't think any less of them. But why do I judge myself so much and can't take my own advice.

Bike Rider
03-06-17, 11:22
Its how we are wired up, we are all different.

If you were diabetic, would you refuse to take any meds?

If you get an infection, do you refuse antibiotics?

High blood pressure, refuse the meds?

This is just the same, we may have a chemical imbalance or something and a pill can sort it.

I get wound up too and little things to others can become issues to me, but I think mood swings play a big part in this.