View Full Version : Anxiety After Effects

28-05-17, 11:45
Morning everyone,

I just wondered how everyone felt after an anxious event, and to see if anyone feels like I do, and if they have any advice?

I played snooker and watched a film with a mate last night. I've been struggling quite badly lately, so even doing this was a bit of a challenge. There was no massive panic attack, just a constant anxiety with the odd little flare up. Nothing major really.

Today, I feel absolutely drained, weak and tired. I feel like my nerves are all frayed and exhausted, and feel very fragile.

Any advide would be appreciated.



28-05-17, 20:07
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Been there got the t-shirt. Had all those symptoms and more.

It really tires you out. Then you worry cos you feel so bad.

Vicious circle.

Hope you feel better soon.

28-05-17, 21:41
That's exactly it.

I started feeling better today and then had a BBQ and all my throat symptoms started up. Early night I think! I used to get the same feeling when I drank heavily, which I assumed was a hangover, but since I've cut my drinking way down, it's become all too clear that the 'hangover' will of only been partly down to the alcohol.

I feel that bad that I can't see how I can make it through the day!

It becomes easier when you accept that it's just an overspill of anxiety I think.

Thanks for the reply,


28-05-17, 22:19
You have a private message!

28-05-17, 22:59
Totally. The key is learning what your limits are - and respecting them. It can be difficult to do that when your limits are lower than what you want them to be. I still struggle with this a lot. After a lot of concentrating on one's feelings, one starts to recognise when that limit is approaching - the signs start to become apparent. I learnt how to hear myself better.