View Full Version : 4 week cough

28-05-17, 18:06

I've had a cough for just over 4 weeks now. It started off as dry but over the last couple of weeks it's produced a little mucus. More recently the cough has become 'shallower' but tonight I noticed a bit of blood in my saliva after coughing which has me feeling terrified.

I work abroad but I've still managed to visit a doctor. I was given a chest x-ray which I was told looked fine, and then an allergy blood test which came back negative. So, I was prescribed an inhaler for asthma (I'm not asthmatic) and told to drink herbal teas.

None of that seems to have worked and now, with the coughing up blood, I'm really worried it's lung cancer or something equally serious.

I've had no other symptoms, don't smoke, and the cough isn't a hangover from a cold, virus or flu. It just started one day and hasn't stopped.

Any reassurance would be appreciated.


28-05-17, 18:52
I would go back and tell them the inhaler isn't working. They might prescribe steroid in pill form. That might do the trick.