View Full Version : My entire story, feeling decaying, lost in hell

29-05-17, 02:44
To begin with, I apologize for asking you to read such a long story.
I have had several posts, had some kind answers too, but I would feel better just by sharing my entire story.
I am a decaying teenager, who has grown with no experience of the so called "normal life". I am a 19 years old male, 5'8" tall and weighing around 140 pounds. I am a smoker ( 1 pack + ) per day, not alcoholic, not on any kind of drugs.
7 and half years ago, as I was sitting in class (primary school) my vision went blurry for no apparent reason, as a child back then I had no idea what was going on, so I decided to read stuff on google, then I came into a conclusion of having a brain tumor, as I was touching my scalp it was painful to touch, it still is to this day.
With the blurry vision then came the constant lightheadedness, and I went deeper into google which made me an incredibly anxious kid, my upper body was entirely mildly sore to the touch, no idea if this is normal or not.
Then months later I developed double vision, which I still have today, not progressive, not going away, not changing. I'll explain it this way, the nearby unfocused objects appear doubled. As I am writing this I am focused on the PC screen and if I put my hand in the middle distance between my face and the PC screen it will appear as double, but if I switch the focus onto my hand it will appear as normal but the background will be doubled.
As the years passed by, being undiagnosed I started living this way, and I could only randomly worry about pains which then would go away. As time passed by so did the blurry vision and the constant lightheadedness, the double vision and the painful body remained but didn't bother as much.
I finished high school through this, was going out every night, playing football and all the stuff that a normal person does. Then came the university, I was still the same.
Months passed by, then came the 23rd december of 2016, I'd like to call it the day of my doom. As I was smoking joint in the car with some friends, something hot appeared moving from my chest up to the throat. As I kept worrying about it, then came a moment in which it eased off only to make my heart 170 beats per minute, make me incredibly dizzy, to the point where I was almost unable to walk on my own, legs felt weird and cold same with hands, actually entire body was coldening, tongue started being tingly, I thought I was dying, like 99%.
Then my friends took me to the ER, where I had numerous ECG's, they blamed the joint, and hypertension or something else, got something injected and after 2-3 hours my heart beat got down to 100 bpm, and I was becoming normal, as soon as I went home I slept a lot.
Then after that day, I've had incredible amounts of symptoms, those being: Weird pressure in head, that has gone away now, incredibly bad tongue symptoms which made me feel that it could strike my airway at any seconds, lasted for months, now is 95% better, actually this symptom gave me many panic attacks, in which I got incredibly dizzy, too, to be diagnosed with: Nothing? but anxiety.
Went to an ENT to check my tongue as I told him that I feel that it will strike my airway, he checked it and laughed, told me to carry on with my life. Then later, I developed a symptom which is difficulty talking/slurred speech. Although it has lessened a lot from the time it appeared, it still bothers me. Feels like talking for longer periods it's harder, and pronounciating some words feels harder. Like there's incredible amount of pressure in my jaw/temples/tongue/throat. The weird thing is, NONE has ever noticed speech changes in me.
Then as those worries got more, I developed heart symptoms, my heart was beating fast as I could feel it in my head, and there was an unpleasant feeling in my chest, had ECG's even Echodiagram to only be told that my heart was "fine".
For some days I had incredible shooting pains in my chest and shoulder that were moving to the arm, all left sided. Then these faded away completely, and I developed sleep disorders, the ones that are with me even now and worrying me to death. It started off with waking up in the middle of the night, one week entirely at the same time. 4AM.
Every night was different: First night was with sweating, the other night was with incredible dizziness, the other night was painful chest and fast heart, the other night was uncontrollably shaky vision, as the waking up eased and went away, there came the new one: After waking up I was feeling shaky, like even my brain was shaking on the inside, it was incredibly weird. While it lasted like a month, it went away as well, only to be followed up by this one that I am having right now: Weird sensations upon trying to sleep, feels like I get electricified on the upper body, mostly head. Something is moving in my nose/temples/head. Throat feels hot and I get a feeling of choking, until I move, when I change the position the sensations ease off, not sure if related but heart feels weaker and my breaths are far more less, could be normal due to resting though I am not sure, perhaps that is the reason? Not enough oxygen/blood, maybe I have heart failure?
Another thing is, for 3 whole months I have a slight redness in the cheekbones and nose that does not worsen gradually, looks like a sun burn, but doesn't completely go away.
Had many tests like: Blood work, ECG's, Echodiagrams, Urine tests, hearing tests, CT of head, X-ray of spine and neck, different neurologist visits, different ENT visits, private cardiologist visits, I get no answer from anyone. It sickens me, I am angry at myself, my personality has changed, I am living like a guy who awaits death, like a guy who is abnormally sick, and I would like to know what on earth is causing me these incredible symptoms/sensations.
On top of that as I said my upper body feels painful, starting from upper back/chest/ribs to the scalp. Jaw feels sore and so do the shoulders, arms, back of the head, neck, spots around ears.
Not quite sure whether the pains could be related for many years of bad posture, by playing games on PC.
I am living through hell, doctors aren't taking me seriously anymore and neither are my parents. I feel trapped inside my own faith, which is death. Thank you for reading such a long story of mine, I would be really helpful if you also help me, guide me, I believe many of you are far more experienced than me and could actually guide me better. Thank you a LOT and GOD bless you!

29-05-17, 03:18
With respect, I know you're struggling but you've told your story (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=198326) before.

Many have chimed in and given support and encouragement as well as some great advice. Perhaps it's time you started acting on your own behalf :shrug:

Positive thoughts

29-05-17, 12:18
Yes I agree with Fish. You have told your story before. I'm actually surprised the mods haven't merged your threads.

Go and see a therapist. This board clearly isn't helping you. If anything you seem to have become worse since you started posting here.

29-05-17, 22:07
Actually, I went to a therapist today, and he was completely useless, just told me to keep on taking the paroxetines, which are completely useless for 70 whole days. And just added xanax. They aren't being helpful at all and I really felt like if I could write my story I could actually start feeling better, but I see you are getting tired of me as the doctors are, so I apologize for taking your time, I am completely helpless and decaying, today I actually cried. If it is all psychological I am probably going to lose my mind, if it's physical I'll just suffer and die off. Once again, I am sorry to have interrupted you, and I promise to never post here again, if that is what you want. I was just seeking more reassurance and perhaps guidance or help, but well okay. Hope you all feel better, perhaps that's my fate, to suffer alone in silence. Thank you and farewell.

30-05-17, 09:32
Stop dramatising. No one told you you were being bothersome. This board isn't for everyone and it can make some people worse because of the types of issues being discussed. You have had a ton of medical tests which have pretty much cleared you of having any type of serious illness. You are on an anxiety board for a reason. Clearly on some level you know that your problem is anxiety. Stop sitting at home waiting to die and go out and live your life. This should be a wonderful time for you. From what you have written you have already wasted 7 years of your life on HA. Therapy won't work if you don't work hard to get better. There is no easy way. Writing your fears here and being given reassurance may help in the short term but you will remain stuck in the same living hell you are in now. Real life help is what you need.