View Full Version : Putting off having tests done

29-05-17, 06:47
Over a year ago I had a ct scan and as a result of this was referred to the hospital to have a colonoscopy. When I went to the hospital, the specialist examined me and said she didn't think it was anything sinister, maybe Crohn's disease, maybe nothing...I then asked if I even needed to have the colonoscopy at all if it was nothing and she said it was better just to check and see.

Well they didn't ring me for 6 months, then when they did I was pregnant and so it was put off again. This week they have rung me again and because I am breastfeeding I have said I would like to put it off again until next year and the receptionist argued with me a bit..I had a melt down on the phone and was crying and had to hang up and they have just rung me again to see about the appointment. I have told them to take me off their list and I will see my doctor and the receptionist said that they can't see anything from a cy scan, really - and I am terrified they will find something fatal.

I can't keep living like this.

29-05-17, 09:22
Hi I have UC and have colonoscopy on a regular basis, is it the test your worrying about or the results? for what reason did your Dr refer you for this particular exam, I was bricking it the first time but u know what, it wasn't a bit as I'd imagined it would be and thankfully it was just UC, I thought it might have been something much worse, but without the test I wouldn't have known and would have tortured myself silly, also it could have been pre C polyps which could have been removed there and then end of, I think that its always best to know because when its too late its too late, sorry to be blunt, go see your Dr get some diazepam's to take, yoy will doze through it safe and sound in the knowledge that you will know exactly what's going on, most probably nothing that can't be sorted

29-05-17, 09:34
AlexandriaUK, thank you so much for your reply!

Bricking it is right!!! I'm worried about results mostly...the specialist I saw said that she did not think it was anything sinister. She thinks it might be Crohn's disease or it might be nothing, but either way it's better to check... my HA keeps whispering to me that they'll find cancer and I'll need an operation that will kill me :( I do appreciate your response though :)