View Full Version : Recurring skin cancer fear

29-05-17, 16:38
Honestly, I wish I could have every little spot on my body removed. I know that wouldn't solve anything, except to cause me to move on to something else. But I can't seem to stop moving from mole to mole. I've had two skin cancer screenings by two different dermatologists in the last two months and ANOTHER scheduled tomorrow with a 3rd dermatologist. I've had 3 moles removed and all 3 were completely benign. Now I'm fixated on one on the side of my foot that looks a little splotchy when you stretch it out. I think I've always had it but I'm not entirely sure. After all, I only started REALLY paying attention to my skin 2 months ago. I can't stop feeling like something was missed and I'll be the tragic misdiagnosis story. Skin cancer was never a trigger for me! Despite going through a tanning bed phase in high school and getting sunburned a few times as a kid, my skin never worried me. It sure as hell does now!
Does anyone else struggle with this? I am completely miserable not being able to enjoy life becausee of my damn freckles :(

I'm feeling very alone.

29-05-17, 16:52
Yes, I am struggling with it currently.

I had bad melanoma panic about 5 years ago, and now I have it again. I am also of the age where things are starting to pop up, i.e. a skin cancer and precancers.

I just had a skin check, but I am seeing another derm as the first one I didn't like. I hope I get an all clear and this settles me down. I think the hard part of it is just not knowing the history of every thing on my skin. I have so many spots and moles and bumps, it's impossible to keep track of it all.

29-05-17, 17:06
Yes! The not knowing the history is totally the hardest part. I find myself obsessively searching old pictures for whatever mole or freckle I'm currently fixated on. Trouble is, the ones that scare me usually aren't in places that are in loads of photographs I.e. Side of foot, trunk, lower back etc. I hope you and I are both able to put our minds at ease with this soon!

29-05-17, 18:08
100% know where you are coming from here. I also never had an issue with my skin until 8 weeks ago, and it has been a long 8 weeks. Resorting to the shortest baths known to man because as I heat up my fair skin changes even more leaving me a gibbering wreck! Because like you I never noticed my skin before, even the moles and freckles I knew I had already are alien, and the marks I have found (daily) are driving me nuts. Got a blue freckle, have googled the hell out of that one and would be a mess but it really hasn't changed since I spotted it 8 weeks ago so if it was the melanoma I fear I assume something would be happening.
So here we are with our collective skin madness, good luck guys, I am hoping we can all stop being scared of our own skin. X

29-05-17, 22:38
I can relate! Same time last year and here again now. Something about summer months and trigger articles onlone. Currently have one become raised because of (i hope) dry skin That I'm obsessing about. Last week it was another freckle, and another week before. Each time it's a 'this is it' punch in gut feeling.

29-05-17, 22:56
Am 100% with you. Mine started I think about 2 month ago and has sent me on a total meltdown. I wish all you fellow suffers well and hope we can beat with demon with the support of this group x

30-05-17, 19:22
Thank you everyone for the replies. I am so thankful to have found this forum. Talking about this with our loved ones can be difficult as they often can't understand why we worry the way we do so it is very nice to be able to vent with those who are similarly afflicted. I'm sure we will all pull through this! I'm going to the dr today, will keep you all posted

30-05-17, 22:59
Good luck ��

31-05-17, 03:06
Just an update...
The dermatologist I saw today seemed very thorough and took the time to explain some facts about skin cancer. I explained my situation (anxiety) top to bottom. He put a dermoscope on nearly every mole or freckle on my body and explained why my moles were nothing to worry about. He mapped them for me but even said there werennt any that needed extra monitoring besides the yearly skin check.
All in all I feel much better. I have some residual anxiety but now I have a very solid basis to disagree with the monster in my head that tells me something is wrong.

To those struggling with the skin cancer fear, it's a real beast. I recommend getting your moles mapped and pointing out every little spot to an experienced dermatologist who is experienced with dermoscopy. With a dermoscope they can tell quite a bit about the skin problems we have and it will put your mind at ease. After that, try to leave it be! That's what I'm going to do my best to do.

31-05-17, 15:21
Incredible. What is that doctor's number?????? Kidding of course, but what a positive health care experience!