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I Don't Get it!
29-05-17, 19:29
Hello all

What a great forum :)

Not sure where to start...I'm a middle aged housewife with anxiety and depression. The depression started (I thought) as a side effect of taking Propranolol for migraines and slight anxiety. I stopped taking it and the depression seemed to go away as suddenly as it came (yipee!), but then it returned about 10 days later and has been with me ever since (boo!). That was about 2 years ago.

I've also had a couple of stressful life events in the last 2 years that have made my symptoms worse each time.

Right now I'm getting CBT and although some of it seems a bit simplistic and false to me, I've realised from doing my Timeline that I've had anxiety for a long time but didn't admit it, to myself or anybody else.

I'm also wondering now if the Propranolol, rather than causing the depression, just suppressed the anxiety that had been masking some depression...if that makes sense. :wacko:

I tried an SSRI but stopped after 3 days because I couldn't take the side effects (yes I know you're supposed to ride them out, but I couldn't stand it). I've also taken St. J's W in the past, but stopped that as well (can't remember why!).

I do take the odd Passiflora cap now and then, mostly before bedtime if I'm not feeling sleepy enough.

Where I am now - I get some good days and bad days, and some good hours and bad hours! When I'm feeling OK, I'm almost back to my old self, but then a wave of fear/gloom/hysterical crying can come out of nowhere and knock me off my little cloud of hope.

Like a lot of people, I mostly feel OKish in the evenings and worse in the mornings.

Looking forward to reading all the great resources on here, already have read some helpful articles, so thanks for that.

Can't think of anything else to put. Thanks for reading.

29-05-17, 19:35
Hiya I Don't Get it! and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-05-17, 12:27
Hi from another middle-aged housewife battling anxiety. Only recently been diagnosed and taking propranolol. Dont think im depressed. I am in Spain at present but will try and do this CBT when I get back to my own doc in uk as it seems to be THE thing that everyone talks about. Althpugh I think I may be expecting it to work miracles. I just want to be THE old me again.

I Don't Get it!
30-05-17, 16:18
Thanks both for your replies :D.

Venusbluejeans, the few articles I've read have been good, that's what made me join (i'm not much of a "joiner-inner", even before i was ill).

Blubelle, I know that feeling, I long for normality (my normal, anyway)....on the bad days I can't even remember what the old me felt like and think I'll never be well again.

On a good day, like today, I can believe it's a temporary thing and can hope it will pass.

Good luck with your CBT, I hope it helps you.