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viv yanne
30-05-17, 10:33
I Suffered a Subachroid Brain Haemmorage in April. I had it coiled and was in Hospital for 3wks. Since coming home i am suffering with balance issues ,tinnitus etc Anxiety and Depression and i am terrified to even leave the bedroom. The Doc has prescribed me Sertiline to try for my depression but i am so scared to start on it. I keep having panic attacks that the same thing is going to happen to me . ......Any Help ?

01-06-17, 13:20
Hi Viv,

I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I imagine this would cause you to have severe anxiety, so I completely understand why you feel this way.

I would take the doctor's advice and take the depression medication, I am sure he prescribed it for a reason, to help you get better and have a more healthy life. You deserve to enjoy life, especially after what happened to you. Feel better soon!